The Plated Project founded by Chitresh Sinha in 2019 in India was to fight against what?
Correct answer: Hunger

Snappy Dragon
This world has some putting right to do. Too many billionaires and too many starving…

82% of the starving people in the world are living in countries with a surplus of food, yet the surplus is shipped overseas for profit, and thrown away rather than donated to feed the hungry!
Here in the U.S. there are several million children who can only get enough food for 1 meal a day, if that!
We really have to get our politicians to do the right thing, not only in the U.S., but everywhere!

What about corrupt governments with greedy (often bloodstained) dictators who squirrel funds in Swiss bank accounts, are frequently the cause of 3rd world poverty. What is the West to do? Go charging in and overthrowing governments who don't live up to " our" standards? When the Chinese are happy to support thrm? 3rd World poverty has Many causes - far to easy to blame the West.

Player #96890951
Snappy Dragon, According to an old friend ' There's NO Need for anyone to go Hungry. Wealth V Poverty should NIT be happening, because this World's Goods ( FOOD Etc ) Are plentiful enough to be shared EQUALLY amongst the Whole World's Population.

Player #97184361
brickmartian, The truth is there’s enough food, materials for housing and money in this world so each human would not be wanting but still the greed of the fortunate and wealthy contributes to the problems. Those with much can never take it with them eventually. Why not share. ! ! !