Who is this man?
Correct answer: Mr. Rogers

wow. you guys got me. I hardly ever log in with games but I was brought to tears remembering how much a part of my life Mr. Rogers was. awesome work guys. guess I will go rate the app now ☺️

One of the sweetest and gentlest person on tv.

As a former educator, I Am Thankful to Mr. Rogers for teaching children to be kinda, tolerant, understanding and so many other good qualities that will last them a lifetime. Thank you Mr. Rogers for being who you were.

Dr Livingroom
A true hero! He purposely brought black people on during racial tensions in America, even washing a black cop’s feet! He also helped promote Mission Wolf Sanctuary in Colorado! A complete class act and true American hero.

This show, this man, was honestly a saving grace for me as a child. my dad traveled for work and was away most of the time. I missed him terribly, but Mr. Rogers reminded me of him, and was an enormous comfort to me.

I don't know if this was already said but Mr. Rogers is the reason PBS is still on today. It was going to be shut down and he fought hard to keep it going.

My kids watched Mr. Rogers a lot, and I just loved him. He made his life a mission of helping children and teaching them. Even though he was a mild-mannered man, one thing I love watching him do was talk a tough old senator, I think he was a senator, into not cutting money from the government for the public television network. That "tough as nails" man what's putty in the hands of Mister Rogers, I never had to raise his voice but just told it like it was. check it out on YouTube. you'll be glad you did.

wish they had shows like this still for these kids!

I watched him i let my children watch him now i have my grand daughters watching him. He is truly a good hearted person.

the documentary that came out recently is really worth watching. as I watched I felt like I understood better who he was. I grew up with mr. Roger's like many of you. from the documentary he seems like a genuinely good human being. so kind and kind hearted. his story had me laughing some moments then crying the next.

I love him he was my childhood for sure

sniper wolf
am I the only one who doesn't know who he is🤔🤔🤔

3fold.utopian.dream, I love that.

HorseShack Kotter
Like I Said Before I Used Watch Fred Roger’s As A Kid I Still Have His Record

IntrepidWillow2200, ibcdefghajklmnopqrstuvwxyz

I've have hardly played any games my whole life and this is my favorite game

Mr Roger’s died on my friends birthday her birthday is February 27th I miss Mr Roger’s

I also watch Mr Rogers going up and was a wonderful show I love how nice and kind he was soft-spoken and how he hung up his sweater every time he would come inside I remember that the most

macgruder3 is right

I loved this show when I was a child

No like on my beautiful comment?

One of my favorite childhood shows.

One of my favorite childhood t.v shows i grew up watching. R.I.P Mr. Rogers ❤️

he is a good man Mr Rogers

I knew that one. And he taught me how to tie my shoes. 

I use to watch him everyday lol man I am old lol

Good guy and he gets the preschool kids started!

M0W 143
yellow makes me look grn but yes sweaters mr. R

Mars V
Tom Hanks nailed that role!

my favorite child hood show to watch with my kids

Was there ever a better role model for children? He was gentle and kind but intelligent and never lazy. I grew up with him and so did my children.

My best friend when I was little.

Tee M
A beloved American treasure

it was a beautiful day in his neighborhood ☺️

I loved Mr. Roger's as a child. You could just feel his kindness through the television. Loved him so much more after watching documentaries and the movie of his life. His mindset, character and heart... He is an example of what is missing from the world today. I imagine he would say it is love for one another. I am grateful to have lived to experience Mr. Rogers.

we all know him and love him 👍 don't we?

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood a beautiful day for a neighbor would you be mine could you be mine won’t you be my neighbor 🎶

love ❤️ bug
I grew up watching Mr. Roger's

I'm so lucky that I got it right

I didn't know what it was, so I guest and got it right