Does baking soda really whiten teeth?
Correct answer: It removes superficial stain but can damage teeth.

I use baking soda to clean my and my teeth are great. No sensitivity few cavities. Have used it for 30 years

Player #9113963
brush you teeth with peroxide. see any white on you gums? that is plaque. brush your teeth with Listerine it removes plaque and also years ago the label stated to use Listerine with your shampoo to remove dandruff it certainly does. Lister was a doctor in 1800 and very famous. the awful taste in Listerine is an additive that does nothing. it was added to taste terrible to satisfy the old saying the worse it tastes the better it is for you. that s all for now

Player #19574740
hmmmm...the question was 'does baking soda whiten teeth?'

Diver Dan, The use of baking soda in its raw state is abrasive to the enamel. Within the toothpaste it is mixed with other components.

Player #10639782
hydrogen peroxide works better

The Lost Apothecary, It also is great for heartburn. Put a teaspoon of it in your mouth then drink a glass of water. Tastes awful, but works!!!

I've been using it for a year now, mixed with coconut oil & peppermint essential oil.

personal opinion isn't factual enough to be a question, quiz master...

right it damages teeth use lil doesn't cost any harm...but toothpaste, listerine.. etc etc all are waste.. make ur own tooth paste at home with lil charcoal, a tsp cloves lil a pinch baking soda and salt.. great am using from past 2 years no gum prob no pain.. try it

Baking soda is very effective at whitening teeth. I've used it for over 25 years. No cavities and no enamel damage.

Against the longest option is the right one

Bonnie , no it's not. Not in small amounts. It used to be full of alcohol. I know there's alcohol free. It won't kill you.

Player #desone, forgot about those!

Mars V
My grandma used to soak her “athletic” feet in Lysol.

Player #9113963, And I’ve read that Listerine is “reportedly poisonous to injest.

Player #30840827
That’s really cool that you know all that thank you I appreciate that!

hvnfun, or vinegar or bleach.

Stay Strong💞
Nfz, thanks😍

thank you for your advice

Noodlebug1, it should never be taken like that, better to add half a spoon to a glass of water at room temperature, stir it till it dissolves, drink it and it works fast.

Player #25874027, you are chosen too

Player #9113963, I chose you to do this

I will choose people to do this thing

correct the word Toidi Please

Wrong,and untrue.Big dislike.

Player #9113963, the awful taste if Listerine is more likely to stop children drinking it

Mujahid Mohideen R
Good question and information.Thank you for the suggestion at the end.

Now you tell me, after going to the dentist with multiple issues. Didn't know baking soda was actually hurting my teeth.

two answers are correct here, regardless of whether one is more correct than the other.

Baking soda DOES NOT damage teeth. Who submitted this question?

Fun guy
badly worded: yes really works but ..., no, not most effective

Player #10639782, yes, but you do realise that hydrogen peroxide is also used in hair colourants!? plus, it doesn't taste really all that nice?!

:(Nancy E):
Player #25874027, Armand Hammer owned Occidental Oil Company. They used Government money to experiment with Oil Shale in Colorado in the 1980’s. The common name for the company was Oxy. Lots of money tossed around my hometown back then.

Player #25874027
Davy, Livingston,
I think this was founded by a man called Armand Hammer.
Make any more sense now?

yes doc. it is true. 100% splendid.