How many articles are in the original US Constitution?
Correct answer: Seven

PrayingKnight, no: republic n 1 : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and is usually a president; also : a nation or other political unit having such a government 2 : a government in which supreme power is held by the citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives governing according to law; also : a nation or other political unit having such a form of government

Player #24358685
WDMichtom, which is why Americans are wrong when they say the US is a democracy. It's a federated Republic, which has democratic features but is designed to avoid the most common pitfalls of a democracy. Point of fact: the US government is the oldest on earth today. All other nations have either come into existence or have undergone a fundamental change in government structure. In one sense, it's the oldest nation on earth!

naturally, being the average person, I thought it had 3 articles. Nice to know.

really like this game.

Player #5287136

Player #22042456
My favorite game. great job!

unicorn 53, hince the term "follow your instincts". I remind my children to do the same. If more people would use this technique and document it, I'd say the % of good outcome would be higher than the bad. I actually use this technique when choosing the treasure chest in the bonus round of the game. It works an estimated 80% of the time!!

Mary J.
if I dont know I go with my gut instinct and it's usually right

I used my majority vote which I've found to be wrong on a.few occasions. I try to use my gut but it only kept getting bigger and my answers were usually right now I want my gut to get smaller I will guess and hope it is right. On the treasury chests i always pick the bottom right one and I think that it has been good 95% of the time.
As for the 6 tile choice bonus I can hardly ever pick the right one but I'm using my strategy of picking bottom right and I'm getting it more now.

WDMichtom, I hope more people will learn we, the US is a Constitutional Republic. Each state has their own right to govern themselves. It's a brilliant system for the rights of individual people. Too much government leads to widespread corruption.

Our constitution is a shining beacon to the world how the best people could have the most freedom and the greatest wealth

Player #24358685, we're not the oldest government

I am an American citizen and very proud to we are not the oldest our history.

Player #120374466
Player #24358685, Yes, after World War 1 political systems changed drastically and monarchy rulership disappeared from many nations.

robincbell16, agree but as long as following your instinct, it depends on the person. A lot of unpopular leaders have followed their brain and did bad things.

I remembered at the last second that there are 7 Articles, but I had completely forgotten what Articles 5-7 entailed. Good memory jog. Thank you. All U.S. citizens should know this.

robincbell16, when you pick a treasure chest, it then shows you the ones that will have treasure the next time.

It’s The Dragon
A lot of people were off by one. The saddest type of mistakes ever😂

Player #38210387
Player #24358685, nation is people country is political entity so no it’s not the oldest nation

Player #16702581
BrettW.0844, I am real good at picking the blank tile. haha

Player #29579299
Jew for Yeshua, Amen, my sister. Once again proving, give men the ability to rule by Law and it will fail the people everytime.

Player #14307107
PrayingKnight, you are not clever or funny

JR. Gee
very good articles

Player #6723658
Player #8607845, Fox News is dangerous cartoons.

great concise information. thanks.

love it

Player #4576909, fantastic

Jezebelisgone, always pick the highest number on this.

Player #2912145
ethanol if libyytviigf6