What is the former name of Sri Lanka?
Correct answer: Ceylon

Peter Montgomery
JezzerLX, why do you see only bad in people? judgemental. uninformed. unwise. unwilling. unable ? to look into self and others and see your.. their beauty, their.. your potential, to take steps to grow in that goodness and be a part of a world that believed, aims, works for the best and for good. take a step forward .. don't be full of negativity and anger . heal x

Darren Marsden
What a beautiful place - well worth a visit

Miss Sue
Thidar Aung (Dolly), And delicious as well!

the horror
Sri Lanka is a fabulous country and the people are wonderful I urge anyone to visit Micha nandri!!

Thidar Aung (Dolly)
Ceylon tea is world famous

Darren Marsden , thanks Darren it's a beautiful place am from ceylon tooo