Who was born Barry Alan Pincus?
Correct answer: Barry Manilow

Amy Farmer
love his music

I have his greatest hits. My favorites are "Mandy", "Trying to get the feeling", "Daybreak", "Could this be the magic", and "Weekend in New England".

I've always Loved Barry's music!! It's timeless and lovely!! 💋💞💕

Are you a "Fanilow"?

he sang the theme song for American Bandstand

I saw him in concert. It was awesome!

i thought he also started out as Bette Midlers piano player when she started out playing clubs and such in New York City??? has anyone else heard this also???

I used to pretend I was him growing up singing his songs on my record player

He's my all time fave!

Player #4766238
love Barry..all his songs great song artist

Player #142695957
HarleyMidgeyMom95., I thought I read he did his early work in hawaii

"That's some kind of friend you turned out to be!"

nothin' wrong with some Manilow.

interesting to learn about the trials that entertainers go through to become well known. Most of the time you just hear about their successes. I didn't know he did commercials. I love his songs.

some of the old songs he played the look always like Fabio

Player #92723922
Wrote State Farm jingle ("Like a good neighbor . . . ").

Barry Manilow is a great singer, and I like his music very much.

Mom mom Cindy
I loved Barry Manilow, would play the same cassette tape in my little tape recorder over and over. Carol burnette did a skit from his song Copa Cabana, hilarious

Stanley R.Camiguin , wrong

My daughter's middle name is Miranda, for Mandy

Capt Jack
Barry didn't write "I write the songs"

Player #74183463
I write the songs was one my Favorites

I can’t believe they didn’t mention his most famous jingle: “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.” 🎶

SneakyMole92698, the sweetener???

I've always liked Mr B M ,, I just couldn't tell my friends

love him. I named my daughter after his song Mandy

Great memories of the 70s

Player #66817220
How is this a sports question?

Annie's mom
I took my parents to one of his concerts at the amphitheater in L. A. and he would pick people out of the audience to sing with him. he would give them a t-shirt that says " I sung with Barry Manilow ". It was a fun evening.

RedRobedRaistlin, Raistlin Majere I assume? One of the greatest fictional characters ever. Also, huge metal fan as well as Manilow. Small world!

Player #33036480
My son and I danced to “I Am Your Child” at his wedding. Beautiful song.

Player #26129643
At a silent auction for a nonprofit, I bought a Sunday NY Times crossword puzzle filled out by Manilow, with all the scratch-outs, corrections, etc. It was framed with the puzzle below, signed, and above was a publicity photo, also signed by Manilow. It's one of my favorite possessions.

Player #20669670, same here❤❤. I had hear some of his music before...but I didn't fall in love with him til Foul Play (good movie).

I named my oldest daughter 'Amanda' after the Waylon Jennings song "Amanda", but I called her 'Mandy' after the Barry Manilow song "Mandy." Now that she is grown she goes by Amanda because Mandy sounds too young.

Player Marilyn
I have seen him in concert 5 or 6 times. One of the best performers I gave ever seen. Love his music.

Saw his show in Las Vegas a few years back. Fantastic!

holly, he wrote it, too!

Player #25449867
I love everyone in my love and In my family

My favorite Barry Manilow song is Weekend in New England♥️

Player #18385684
I love his music. Dated and married my husband listening to his music.