What country signed a nonaggression pact with Germany in 1939?

Correct answer: Soviet Union

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
And the Soviets continue to lie. Much like international embarressment trump.
I feel so bad for the Poles of that era. Invaded from both sides, allies abandoning them after a half-hearted effort of upholding treaties to protect them, and then horrific treatment throughout the war, followed by the Soviets expelling them from the east.
Player #4263904, I agree. Trump almost makes you feel embarrassed to be an American. But it won't be for long, God willing.
Peter Montgomery
Peter Montgomery
TheInfidel2018, things he says have been carefully fact checked and rechecked which is very important, for anyone in position of leadership at any level but major important for countries politicians and leaders as they can affect globally. and fact checking him has identified the numerous lies he has told.
oldbroad456, wait till Brandon gets in office 🤣