What is the Order of the Spur?

Correct answer: A Cavalry tradition within the United States Army

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
3/5 Black Knight
3/5 Black Knight
I served with 5th Cavalry in Vietnam. I have never heard of this tradition.
Player #19688789
Player #19688789
My very best friend who passed at 98 was in the first cavalry... miss him very much
Player Elsinore
Player Elsinore
Player #2406352, Not true, Spurs used correctly can be an important tool in commication between horse and rider. they are not meant to be used as punishment in any way!
Daisy Lee
Daisy Lee
Player #2406352, i agree
Miss. Ami
Miss. Ami
Player #2360564, spurs just hurt the horses. its barbaric