What colour is an aircraft's black box?
Correct answer: Orange

orange is the new black

It makes sense that they are orange, makes them easier to find

Working on aircraft, I should be strung up if I got that wrong!

Montana Lady
GrandmaTanya, it's called the "black box" because it has the secrets. It's neon orange so they can find it immediately (or asap) in the wreckage of any plane.

Player #4527217
munchkin1300, Back in the day , they were black and very hard to find. I was involved with air search and rescue.😇

Player #3164546
Indianbadger, cause it would be too heavy

If I ever fly again on an airliner I would prefer a seat in the black box. {Man is that ever an old joke...

Player #10098774
I used to date a guy who's sister in law's father invented the black box. An Australian invention by the way.

I don't understand why information in the black box isn't also automatically sent to 'cloud storage', so it could be retrieved before the actual box was found. There's probably technical reasons this doesn't happen, but with the advances in computing which are happening all the time maybe one day it will.

When learning to fix Aw139 helicopters, I was reliably informed by my Italian brethren that the actual shade is known as 'International Orange'.

Montana Lady, it’s called black box bc it’s tightly sealed and “black” inside to take care of the contents.

Great Australian invention!

Player #125843019
You have reiterated the question, come on stay awake

SOOTI, no internet at 40000 feet above the middle of the Atlantic!

Republic of China
All voice and data recorders are painted a bright orange which helps search and recovery teams identify the recorders when searching an accident scene.
These often-secret electronic devices were literally encased in non-reflective black boxes or housings, hence the name "black box". * These black boxes are of fluorescent flame-orange in colour. * The recorders are bright orange so to make them more visually conspicuous in the debris after an accident.

sunsetdb7, haha true…but why not call it an Orange box?

invented by an AUSTRALIAN.

Phil 'sum guy'
yes but it only gives past info. new comp. like Flyht aerospace relay real time data but airlines slow to install them. Mh370 would have been avoided with this ...

Destynee Everly
Why not call it, Little orange box...

Chilled Tea
Seriously!? Black is orange? Orange is black? I’m confused

Player #20132186, Cochlear Implant...

doxierescued, You may well end up in a black box if there is any need for it to be found.

Fun guy
Sooti, exactly & there is a CDN company flight aero space, Fly, who makes a real-time black box so issues are known before a crash like mh417 ? they would know ea sec. as it happens & where. air companies are slow to install as usual. Should be on every plane !

Player #20132186
Player Elf Council, along with the rotary washing line and vegemite . anything else?

You failed to mention it was invented in Australia.

Player #25874027
Player #10098774, was sure

Player #12981006
DiabolicalJoker25653, That explains the color but does not answer her question about why to call it black.

Player Old Tymer
Know this thanks to Homeland

doxierescued, Green cards are no longer green either.

Player #12182836
they fooled me..oh wait Um color blind...lol

Player #14292082
songbird, it's soell

Player Elf Council
Widama007, Another Australian invention.

Mr. Trivia Fun
Widama007, I must confess I got the question wrong; now I feel like I should crawl into a "black box" and a dark room in the middle of the night...geez how I hate to get questions wrong!

Ms M
watching all those MAYDAY series helped me with this one

my great grandfather used to install these

Player #8072844
Invented by an Australian

Player #2052477, er......nope! Haha!