Hugo Chavez was the president of what South American country?
Correct answer: Venezuela

Player #249832
They are still paying the cost of his leadership today!

How did that end up? No food, no medicine, gangs taking over the country. Citizens fleeing for their lives? Great idea, may he burn in hell!

Venezuela was once the richest country in the world, now one of the poorest. Socialism at work!

Montana Lady
I was sitting in the Iranian embassy in Istanbul, waiting for a visa, and 2 Turkish police officers behind me were in a heated argument over whether a man shown on the TV was Chavez or Pinochet (none of us were fluent enough in Farsi to understand the show).... I finally looked at the TV and started laughing because they were both wrong. The man were fighting about was Castro... LOL! 😂

Maduro is just as bad. This once prosperous country now has it's people fighting for the bare necessities.

Those kind of "leaders" are plague of humanity!

socialism doesn't work

Celine Ann Aguilar
And he destroyed his country

Player #15457705
Ever notice how socialist leaders stay in power till death?

Skinski, I am Venezuelan. don't lecture me about what we are living. Chavez destroyed my country

thom, Norway, Sweden, Denmark…

I'm venezuelan and I live in Mexico since 2015 because of these disgrace that is affected my country... They are very evil people

Player #249832, OMG my just& I were on the worst vacation of our lives in Venezuela. There was terrible political fighting be a of him. I thought they’d never let us board our plane!

Dieu linh
Qu pa hong tam

There is a gross misconception about the definition of socialism amongst Americans. Neither Chávez or Maduro care about their country nor their people. Both are dictators who do not operate for the good of the country and its people.

Player #62752956
diamondgeezer11, socialism depends on political leadership that decides who gets what. This inevitably leads to corruption.

Player #38618593
Agree. There has never been a communist country that had a booming economy or happy, healthy people.

there aren't any successful socialist countries?

Spot the American is a pretty easy game in this comments section.

This was rated highest difficulty and yet correct answer rate is high cause it's so easy. How the heck does the difficulty ranking work?

Player #34623502
And the major destructor of a beautiful and rich in resources land. He just brought to Venezuela poverty and disgraces.

yeah.. and he ruined it too.. 😶

..4144.., Don't blame socialism, blame corruption and greed. 😠

Player #21374632
DiabolicalJoker25653, yes. I was wondering about that too.

* Seshati *
Smedley, yeah let me guess over oil

I have Parks and Recreation to thank for this correct answer!

Z2sz10 was 9

need to study these more

( Snail Darter)
Tinker20665, Success isn’t one of those positives....

( Snail Darter)
JustTerminator38472, I think that I just head a cricket.....

Player #6532678
Imagine Venezuela is one of the richest countries ,what games are been playing and by who is another’s story

That's why Communism failed in USSR . He tried so hard ,but ruined a fantastic country.

Cú Chulainn, so educate us poor sheep

Creative Lion of Sub
pixieish, Venezuela citizens are flooding my country now....crime and prostitution...I’m from Trinidad 🇹🇹

Danille Of Ronthrythtowne
Player #210969, This is exactly where Canada is headed if Trudeau is not voted out in October....God help us

It is 2019

he took on George Bush