What event changed humanity forever on July 16, 1945?
Correct answer: First detonation of a nuclear weapon.
Player #25874027
You are thinking of the first use of an atomic bomb as a weapon.
I think this question refers to a test detonation
I once went to a lecture by Carl Sagan about the nuclear winter, frightening, very frightening.
10,000 yards is a little more than 5.5 miles. About 2.5 miles beyond the horizon.
They also did nuclear testing at Maralinga in South Australia. A lot of the workers watched in fascination, not realising the harm being done...
Rush did a song about it called Manhattan Project. Look for it on YouTube.
Truth is, the Evil Genie is out of the bottle now. It's flying around out there somewhere, just waiting to land again. Only next time it's bringing along all its evil bretheren to rain down Hell on Earth. Just a matter of time. Sorry.
damnpaterfamilias, the horizon is 22.5miles away on a flat surface.
SOS, Yes and ONLY Humans STILL choose to believe? think? a war is 'Won' creating More Death ..... we are a strang species
Player #20070095
Id say that same year the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
* Seshati *
ChampionNymph37634, yep so very very true a somber truth indeed!
Player jt
damnpaterfamilias, not far enough!