How did Benito Mussolini die?
Correct answer: Execution by firing squad

Yes he was hanged, but only AFTER being shot. As you can only die once, the actual execution was by firing squad.

gatorfreighter88er, A picture is hung. A person is hanged.

He was not a nice man or a responsible leader. Nazi's liked to execute by hanging with piano wire. What a bunch of sickos

Destino Manifesto
There should have been an "all the above" option. 😑

Destino Manifesto, They asked how he died, not what happenes to his body

I thought he was hanged.

He was shot then his body was hung by his feet.

Player #38618593
Player #27149342 pixie,
And what a great basis for admiration! Wow!

Player #27149342 pixie, Now that would've been some feat! haha

Player Ejag
Hooray for correct word usage!

Sully Girl
Destino Manifesto, exactly, that was confusing. in the movie I watched many years ago I just remember him hanging by his feet and being stoned, but apparently he was already dead. so I got it wrong

Player #27149342 pixie
Taranchalanche, he apparently was admired by some as prior to the war,he got all the Italian trains to run on time.

raddeyanne141, thats sick

Syr Hal
Question is slightly misleading. After he was shot, he was hung by the feet and stoned.

check your facts

if u goolge it says same thing.

there are many pictures of Mussolini and his mistress hanging upside down, being pummled with rocks

i thought he was hung to