What colour are albino animals' eyes?
Correct answer: Red or pink

nuzzles, Growing up, there were two albino twins I used to know!
A brother and sister with white skin and hair, with pink eyes!
They would come to the community swimming pool, but they could only handle it on cloudy days!
I remember the other kids, and some of the adults, were curious and fearful of them because we grew up hearing scary stories about them!
I thought they were very nice people, and wished I could have gotten to know them better!

Albinism is complicated. I don't think there is just one answer for eye color.

Am I reading this wrong. It says the eyes can be reddish pink or blue. Two different colors….

no there are many colors

Player #34400270
I have to disagree with this question. I have two albino nieces and they both have grey eyes. I just went back in my photos to check because I new better. I guess some may try to call them blue but they are definitely grey. There are many Different types of albinism and they have the most common form. It only affects the skin and hair pigmentation and eye development. They are both legally blind and wear glasses. they are so cute! There are types that are more severe and cause many more health issues.

nuzzles, lboni mink are deaf

Grayson’s mom
brickmartian, I have a similar memory from my childhood. We were told not to stare or ask questions, further pushing my reluctance to get to know my peers with albinism.I wish I knew then what I know now. Our hesitation did not allow us to grow.

123456789, that's what is written! Nothing wrong with your eyes!

123456789, yessss.. Or just human eyes are blue and animals got the red option??? Very confusing!

Even human albino have pink eyes