Which recognisable spider can kill a human?
Correct answer: Red Back

As an Aussie (pronounced ozzy), I have never heard of a red back being called "Australia's black widow". Generally if an adult gets bitten by one of these, you just get sick. On the other hand, if a child is bitten, then that could be fatal.

Leapfoot, because it's not the same as the United States black widow spiders!

Knew about the Black Widow. Never knew its other name.

Tina M.
Although I realize that it's rare to be bitten or have an injury from a creature in Australia, I'm afraid to visit there. I'm sure it's a beautiful place, but I have a big fear of all snakes.

The last death was in 1955, so nothing to worry about. A bit of pain and off to the doc for the antivenom. That's what my old man did 👍

I have lived in Australia for 76 years. Never been bitten by a spider, snake or shark. Would rather live with them than crazed firearm owners. We don’t have many of them in Oz.

I have been bitten four times by the red back first time I was only fourteen the last time I was fifty made me sick each time a I broke into a sweat each time

Player #145145954
Jonesy, you’re right on the money there. I wonder why North Americans feel a need to rename species in other countries after those found in their own American houses.

little b
i dont like spiders

They need to do a little more research before saying that. The redback is not a fatal spider, I've been bitten twice by them, once as a child, and apart from feeling pretty sick for a day or so I did not die!!

Ann Martha, Google poisonous spiders near my Location, and get ready to cringe!!!

team edward cullen
my teacher is aka spider lady

Wannabe Vulcan
I realize it's a different species, but the description reminds me of Vincent Price's dubious speech about black widows on Alice Cooper's "Welcome to My Nightmare".

how scary!!! I am afraid of animal beings

Robbo, Same here! I’m American living in Australia

Tina M., never seen a snake and I’ve lived here all my life. No snakes in the city. There are more dangerous animals in USA, including bears, cougars, coyotes, wolves and rattlesnakes.

Player #122966166
Tina M., Australia is full of scary deadly creatures

Tina M., You should see my backyard! Red bellied black snakes. Luckily a snake catcher lives next door!

Tina M., Then don't come to Texas.

Jonesy I agree with you there. Red Back is all I’ve known them to be named and males are small and all black.

What a bunch of ridiculous choices. There are several more venomous spiders.

Ann Martha
glad there aren't any poisonous spiders here