What is the birth flower for October?
Correct answer: Marigold

French marigolds are also good to plant in your vegetable garden. They attract pollinators while repelling some of the bad insects.

Player #118197
Player #1157978, They are also known to repell bugs of all sorts in the garden. Marigolds and toads are a gardener's best friend against pesky and destructive bugs. The fragrance marigolds give off is a bit 'spicy' in nature, but l like the smell.

An icon of fall, I always get them.

is there such a flower as a daffadowndilly ?

In France we call them “souci” which means “worry”, although it’s just a homonym. I dry the flowers and infuse them in oil (just a clear jar and sunshine) to make wonderful skin balms.

I had to go and look up “daffadowndilly” - it’s just another word for daffodil!

Player #3833664
Would love to see the official trademark for this to be true or not

...but they smell awful!