The famous Charge of the Light Brigade took place during which war?
Correct answer: Crimean War

Player #162237 Alexandra
It also was when Florence Nightngale became known for her nursing csreer.

melh, The picture shows the charge of the Scots Greys at Waterloo grey being the colour of the horses

melh, thank you for the info.
Also there are a poem by Lord Tennyson and two movies "The charge of the Light Brigade" (one with Eroll Flynn, a later one with Trevor Howard). 🙂

The picture shows the charge of the heavy brigade at the Battle of Waterloo.

Stupidity and serendipity is what is abundant in the armed Forces.
Thought experiment at Nuremberg: "How could any sane person prosecute such evil and heinous acts? Where is your humanity?"
The Pride of Prussia: " I was following orders Sir. Ja Wohl", said the Hun.