What is the name of this traditional form of puppet theatre play?
Correct answer: Wayang

How very interesting! Words I have never seen or heard in my life! Does that say I’m sheltered? I turned 75 today, and feel overwhelmed by things I’ve never heard of. Another reason to love this game!

little b
I've not heard of the play wayang

Trisha, Therese’s , happy birthday to you!

Mihaela , I had no idea until now. It seems a lot of things are yet to be discovered.

I had no idea until now. It seems a lot of things are yet to be discovered.

Adi Afendi
It is actually called "Wayang Kulit".
"Wayang" means "theatre", "kulit" means "skin". These puppets were traditionally made out of cowhides, so it is a form of theatrical performance of puppets made of cow skins, or "wayang kulit".

Therese, happy birthday to you!

Therese, I'm 60. I agree. I believe it is the speed with which the internet and TV have given us to gain more information from all aspects. There are so many things I have learned on a local scale as well as global. In some ways, I think things move too fast.