What's the tallest tree in the world?
Correct answer: Sequoia sempervirens

nimblemoon, best to completely ignore people like that
don't waste your time or energy on a person like that

Thanks so much for your observation. So far in this game he's made it known he's a 68 year old, intolerant racist. He actually referred to people as "spics"! Wish he'd get thrown off this game and have every one of his loathsome comments removed!

Player #5344198
nimblemoon, oh, dear. no idea of whom you speak but he sounds awful. racists and racism are a true poison today. could we just refer to him as a mosquito?

Gracious 7
BADSANTA0059, Agreed, don't waste your time. Always gonna be haters.

MuscularDemigod69239, being a know-it-all is an unattractive quality.

Taranchalanche, the Pioneer Cabin tree was a giant sequoia that was felled by a storm in 2017, but there are 3 sequoia sempervirens (redwoods) that you can drive through along the Avenue of the Redwoods, parallelling Hwy 101 in Northern California. These were all carved out as tourist attractions before environmentalism/conservationism became popular.

Player #189367
DaintyFlyer55866, interesting. i dont get to see all of muscular demigods comments but see all of the others?

My guess was purely based on what sounds like it could possibly be an American tree, and I got it right off of that.

GeraltOfTr1via, general Sherman has the most volume. I've seen both these trees and they are BIG.

GeraltOfTr1via, General Sherman is a sequoia gigantea, and is larger by VOLUME

Birdiemom, I didn't go to a drive-thru tree, but there was one that had a pedestrian cut out. I could swear that I heard a low and slow heartbeat in that cut out. Sequoias always make me think of the Ents from Lord of the Rings.

Australia,Tasmania Eculyptus owns the California,San Francisco

Birdiemom, Been there as a kid. Grew up south of there. Northern California is awesome. loved it there!

Player #5344198, Unfortunately that would be insulting to mosquitoes lol

Player #19942154
Off topic but can someone tell me what the stickers are for?


Player #6485995
nimblemoon, Keep calling the Nazi racists out. People will complain because it is easier to ignore than address. You go; 64 yo white 👦

andi210461, had a tree named for him

Guitarfan 5
rsgf01313, you were spared. They were deleted.

69riverrat, agreed.

rsgf01313, same here, I don't see them either.

Player Suze Eckert
I drove through one when I lived in the North Bay of San Fran.

Player SQinfoNUTS
nimblemoon, oh I do agree with you so much.

MatteusMaximus, ditto

Nobody in usual population. I guessed due to knowing about Giant Sequoia out west in US. There was one someone carved out and a car could drive through. Heard that one died but park is still there

rsgf01313, me, none either! wonder why?

Gracious 7
robertthemoose14, LOL