Who was the 2nd President of the United States of America?
Correct answer: John Adams

N00bPixie56523, He and T. Jefferson, bitter rivals, both died on the same day, but they kept the focus on the new country!!

Adams and Jefferson both died July 4th 1826 exactly 50 years after the declaration of independence was adopted. James Monroe 5th president also died on July 4th 1831.

Bill D Maryland, Of what use is is to **show exit tile*"?? as far we can tell nothing

Oliver Twist
SQinfoNUTS, when you open the exit, point values go up for correctly answered questions.

To the people who say “Who answered Revere etc...?” Is wrong! If you want a harder level of questions then choose a harder level. Don’t say these things. People are always learning on an individual basis. You are no smarter or better! Let people learn and not be judged for trying!
I’m really tired of seeing this and I think it is very rude.

He was interested I True justice, he defended the British/Hessian soldiers of the "Boston Massacre, and the black men of the SS Amity.

Who guessed Revere or Franklin? They need to retake American History

Player Ejag
SQinfoNUTS, Also, what are the coins used for??

SQinfoNUTS, I agree - what’s the point

Mars V
Weins, We’ll I guess we know who answered Revere. 😆

Weins, AMEN!!!

SQinfoNUTS, I agree. exit tile is useless

reclusivesavyigloo, I believe it was his son John Quincy who represented the the black men on the Amistad. Both were strong abolitionists!

downsincedayone14, How can you tell what answers were used?

Player Ejag, can buy lives when you run out

who said Paul Revere

Player #2911256
SQinfoNUTS, I have no idea but would like to know also.

N00bPixie56523, actually at the time theg were born, the land belonged to Braintree,Ma.

Player #1081396
the first Adams in the presidency, followed later by J.Q. Ad