Why do pilots eat different meals from each other?
Correct answer: In order to limit the chance of pilots getting sick

Shows real confidence in the in-flight meals.

The movie “Airplane” actually builds its plot around the crew violating this rule.

Sassy, cooties??

Whatever are "cooties"?

When I go out to eat with a friend I order whatever they order so that person doesn’t ask to eat off my plate to try mine. I guess l don’t like cooties.

Cooties was a game marketed to children to give them a fun image of infectious bugs. They built them from plastic parts to build toys. Maybe the idea was to help them be less germ-a-phobic and more social. If you were said to have cooties you were to be avoided because you were considered gross.

Meals on planes are usually pre-prepared and packaged, and are susceptible to various organisms that can become active at different altitudes which can result in the formation of salmonella!
It was proposed to be the reason for the salmonella out real mentioned here, and packaging and storage requirements were changed as a result!
Since the pilot and co-pilot are responsible for the plane, the separate meals policy was instituted as a safety procedure!

The Man
Sassy, I imagine you far from sassy.

Olly, cooties are like them
hikky on the neck aren't they ?

No it's a real serial wise step
In place

Player #120374466, Not allowed to!

That's a smart idea

Player #120374466
This story should cause anyone to play it safe and bring your own food

l want to be a pilot

Mars V
BlueEyedAlien, They both had fish.