What is the "Disease of Kings"?
Correct answer: Gout

Beck Hojo
It has nothing to do with weight. My husband has chronic gout and has never been obese in his entire life. It is hereditary most often. Every person who has gout also have very different triggers, and it is not always in the big toe!

Player #207737
Beck Hojo, you are so right.. My brother suffer gout and he's skinny and doesn't drink at all.

I got this question right (on a lucky guess) but I thought Hemiphilia was the disease of kings.

Beck Hojo, it said that chances are greater of getting it are INCREASED in overweight people not that being overweight CAUSES it.

Beck Hojo, you don't have to be overweight to have gout, but being overweight certainly increases your chances

I was very obese in 2012 and was in the hospital for 5 days because of Gout. It is very painful. I had Bariatric surgery the following year and lost nearly 100 lbs; no more Gout.

Beck Hojo, with all due respect, it doesn't mean that everyone who gets gout is obese or a drinker... Read the second part, he must have too much uric acid for some reason. My dad has it, he is a heavy drinker... But I'm sure the next person won't be a drinker/obese... But they are things that trigger gout.

Beck Hojo, it states your chances are higher if you are obese.

Tami Hoover
Beck Hojo, it does explain other reasons, not all people who are recipients of Gout are overwieght it is a cause for some.

Beck Hojo, it's more common in obesity but not exclusive to obesity

Player #207737, ditto my brother...

Player #149482651
LibraLady1010, hemophilia is a genetically inherited disease. It was termed the disease of Kings only because royals marry royals, which leads to inbreeding. Queen Victoria carried the gene and passed it to her children and grandchildren, ultimately causing the Tsarovich of Russia to have hemophilia, which is a very small part of what led to the downfall of his father Tzar Nicholas Romanoff.

Too much meat in the diet! That's why disease of the kings - commoners couldn't afford it

Dumb to give letters…. Waaay too easy!

Dodie, yes ur the first to say Tomatoes especially raw it hits my husband all the time when he eats it

LibraLady1010, hemophilia affected some male descendants of Queen Victoria, who was a carrier

Be wise
I heard that cherries and. Cherry juice are good for the gout.

I guess I should have said honored that I had it

Beck Hojo, agreed,several family members have gout and they're not over weight or drink liquor

LibraLady1010, I thought so too! Queen Victoria's family line and the ysat

I suffer from gout and am NOT overweight.

Beck Hojo, I didn't know that 😳

I also had it back when I was consuming lots of shellfish & drinking. But it started in my right elbow, and was very painful for a couple of months. Then, overnight, it left my right elbow & started in my left elbow! After that, I went to a doctor & he put me on high doses of prednisone. Well, that's another bad story... Yuck! That was all the way back in 1997. I don't drink anymore, & don't eat as much shellfish, so haven't had gout for well over 20 years, now.

I learned about it when my Dad contracted it in old age. It was agonizing and debilitating for him.

My nephew does not drink alcohol or is obese he is 42 . It is also hereditary his maternal grandfather and his mother has it. But he has it very severe

my father had gout he really suffered with it, so I cut way back on my red meat consumption and next meat in general

Beck Hojo, yep, I saw it in skinny people. very painful and they never drank a day in their life.

Player #1489627, Derr. green pea & ham it states from build
of red meat seafood meats of all

Beck Hojo, obrsity isn't thevonly cause like mentioned . white drinks and meat and carbs are also bad

Player #130575944
Beck Hojo, I think it means being overweight increases the chance of getting it, not that you have to be overweight to get it

I have gout in my big toe it's very painful

Player #9952194,
It’s generally inherited from the mother.

LibraLady1010, I thought so too, to the point where I couldn't move hemophilia out of my brain to even think about a guess!

I thought the disease of kings was the one where they could not stop bleeding, like the son of Nicolas and Alexandria in Russia. I can’t remember the name of the disease.

recently found out it can also be caused by iron infusions too

Player #130998363
Good for you Sherry

LibraLady1010, I think that Queen Victoria or Albert was the carrier of the Hemiphilla gene, so some of her descendants may have had it including The young Russian prince. Her children married into a lot of European Royal families.....😁

Frank Dukes
Beck Hojo, Correct, I get gout attacks and can't pin point what triggers it because i try keep to the same diet, My last attack 2 weeks ago i took the tablets prescribed and would help but later in the day it would flare up and i still had not eaten anything apart from a banana, Taking extra Panadol helped but i was hard to walk for almost a week

That's so right !! Have to read it again Beck Hojo lol

I agree - obesity is not a specific trigger and there are several different triggers - dehydration plays a role and high protein intake. The peripheral joints are affected - and can commonly include but not limited to the big toe/ second toe metatarsal joints/ ankle knee joints. It can also predispose to regions or limbs with previous injury