How many armored divisions did the Allies have at the beginning of World War II?
Correct answer: Zero

Guillermo Jr.
perhaps.. but the Allies had honor and human decency which won the day!

Poland fought on horseback with swords against tanks. So sad.

Player #12810493
Europe like the U.S. was just coming out of the great depression. Germany and Hitler used this as a tactical advantage to impose it's military might on countries that did not recover from the depression as quickly.

Player Say what!?
Player Jellybean, While I understand your sentiment, and I wish war wasn't so, I don't think Hitler would have stopped killing after getting some phone calls. Sometimes, it takes forceful efforts.

Player #19422400
Guillermo Jr., Dresden, Gulags, scorched earth, prevention of civilians leaving Stalingrad, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Yalta conference and the creation of the Iron Curtain. Anyway honour doesn't stop bullets.

Player Jellybean, It has always struck me that wars attack the innocent people of a nation that happens to have an evil leader. How they come to lead the country is generally by deception and most people are decent human beings, or at least no worse than selfish, on both sides of any divide.

In the end it came down to courage, determination and the spirit that good would prevail thanks go to the men and women that gave their lives for us respect their sacrifice and honour those that are still with us lest we forget

Meanwhile the US public, military and government refused to assist. It was only because FDR pushed the lend-lease act through that we started providing old worn out equipment. Then came Pearl Harbor. Just wait until the Russians are done with Ukraine, see what happens next.

I thought that France had the largest army in Europe at the start of WWII.

Tremain White
and to think decent men have their lives for this...

The option was ten I think it's two.😅😅

no way!!