What is the tallest dog breed in the world?
Correct answer: Great Dane

Montana Lady
Wrong! I showed Great Danes for decades. The tallest living dog is a Great Dane, but the tallest breed on average is the Irish Wolfhound.

I always thought irish wolfhounds were the tallest dog breed?? 🐶

The Irish Wolfhound is the tallest dog breed in the world. There is great deviation among individuals in dogs, just like people. Even though a great dane is the tallest dog in the world, it doesn't mean the breed is.

Rlud75, you are correct. A specific Great Dane might be taller than a specific Irish Wolfhound, but as a breed overall the Wolfhound is tallest.

Irish Wolfhounds are taller, on average, than Danes. Love my Great Dane, but I've seen Wolfies at shows, and they are definitely taller.

They love to try to curl up in your lap! lol!

Chezikeets, unfortunately they are short lived. Called the Heartbreak dog. I have a mixed breed pound puppy. Best personality, loyal, not much to look at but less genetic tampering!

ever hear of an Irish Wolfhound?

Player #1010751
this is not the great dane....but the irish wolf hound

Irish Wolfhound wasn't even a choice.

little b
i love 💕 dogs

I thought the tallest dog breed was wolfhound.

it's the Irish wolf hound

As of Sept 2021 the worlds tallest dog breed is the Irish wolfhound

irish wolfhounds are the tallest but great danes are the largest.

Player #82905928
Scooby-Doo was a great dane!

I have always believed Irish wolfhounds to be the tallest dogs.

My father was 6'4". Our Great Dane Duke could put his paws on my dads shoulders and look him in the eye.

Mustafa Hamid
wrong answer, the great Pyrenees are the longest breed of Dogs, even google will tell you this

Player #49958923
Actually it's the Irish Wolfhound!

Player #42554249
irish wolfhound is bigger

Am I right in thinking that Great Danes have a very short life span...5-7 years? It's odd that smaller breeds live longer than large; generally in life it's the other way round. A friend's Yorkshire Terrier lived to be 21!

Montana Lady, you are ABSOLUTELY correct!

I thought it was Digby

Player #8816145
Interesting fact: In Denmark a Great Dane is called a Grand Danois, which is French for Great Dane.

The Tallest Living Dog In The World Is a Great Dane Named Zeus.

want to have this...😍

Player #14566629
Sometimes I don't understand the questions

Player #15532396
nope. irish wolfhound.

Player #13941978
Irish wolfhounds are the tallest breed. check your facts!!!

I’m glad I’m not the only one who caught this error.

I always think about Scooby- Doo when it's mentioned about this breed :)

Player #3532789
Tamara_1985, We had one in New York! Actually two as the first one died from cancer!!

Sounds like he would need a great big plastic baggie after he goes potty. lol

Player #3748832, yes but its not a registered breed in America.

Rlud75, They are about the same size. My neighbors have one of each.

Player #4355392
Taranchalanche, so true. the larger the breed of dog, the shorter the lifespan.

Montana Lady, well isn't that what the question asks, not the tallest breed on average. Depends how you read it I suppose.

Montana Lady, exactly what I thought. Either way I absolutely love both breeds. But, of course I prefer my English Bulldogs. 😀