What does the acronym F.A.S.T. - in the context of signs and symptoms of a stroke - stand for?
Correct answer: Face, Arms, Speech, and Time

That is EXACTLY how I was able to determine that I was having a stroke by mentally staying focused with the help of my daughter. i told my daughter that I think im having a stroke. I told her I would keep talking, and if she couldn't understand, to call for help. We kept conversing, then my daughter pointed out she couldn't understand what I was saying. I advised her to call the ambulance. I believe she helped save my life.

These are life saving techniques, I believe that everyone should know basic CPR.

Very useful info!

Yeah, I agree it’s life saving actions and facts everyone should learn and know about🌈👍

Player #120374466
Sadly some emergency doctors don't recognized the signs. I was sent home and my symptoms got worse. I went to another hospital and got a CatScan and confirmed I did have a stroke

Player #128100129
Good info. Thanks.

Player #93460997
Absolutely excellent information . Straightforward thank you

At the ripe old age of 21 I myself had a stroke but I am fully recovered from it except when I get tired. Dad says look, there goes the drunk again. I tend to travel to the right because that's the side that was affected 😔 by my stroke.

I have lost 2 husbands so I understand

So sorry Marcy

Player #140156630
you have to say 😏 smile to the person

Touched the done button. It was very frustrating fir them to learn how to reuse their bodies and do simple things like pick up a spoon.

I worked in rehab and care centers and took care of people who were in recovery after having a stroke. I felt so bad for the frustration they went through while trying to relearn how to us

My grandma one time had a stroke on me but I had no clue what F A S T was! I’m glad I do now!

Miss J
Tanya, ohhhmyygoodness, glad to hear you are fully recovered, in saying that, I find your Dads comment very funny 😊

Tanya, I am so sorry to hear what you went through, and at such a young age! Do you mind if I ask how you are now? Did anything the doctors did help you? I went through a breast cancer diagnosis at 25, and my young age was the main reason doctors ignored testing me sooner.

very useful info, not everyone know these signs that can save a life.

Wen, CPR has nothing to do with stroke

I learnt that in House MD tv show

thank you for this great life saving information

I saw it on the national health uk advert on TV

On time
Good to know 👍

Player #2843423
I would add that my mother had a stroke at 92 yrs old but she could use her arms and using her cane walked to the top of the stairs where the EMTs picked her up and put her on the stretcher. Her stroke caused her to not be able to talk properly and she couldn't swallow.

Wen, I agreed