According to the Bible, Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called what?

Correct answer: The children of God

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Lady butterfly
Lady butterfly
Not enough people have read the most sold book in the world
This would be a better world if those who profess Christianity would practice what Jesus actually said. Too many haven't seen a red-letter bible.
We definitely need peace internationally in our world today and more peacemakers, no matter what faith they follow.
Player #107789144
Player #107789144
Judy, but… it is true and historical, to be used for teaching…Jesus is the only way to Heaven after this life has ended. Jesus was a real person n had followers, many followers n saw the miracles Jesus did. No other person has come back from being dead for 3 days, but Jesus did n there are witnesses to the fact. We all have choices to make of who we are to serve, but as for me n my house, we will serve Him, Jesus the Christ.
Souljah Gal
Souljah Gal
Judy, So your a non believer of God. O'LORD OF ISRAEL is the "GREATEST"
Lady butterfly, Just because it's the most sold book in the world doesn't mean everyone has to read it or believe it to be true.