Who was the first leader of North Vietnam during the Vietnam war?
Correct answer: Ho Chi Minh

Heartland Old Guy
Great question for recent world history! There are those who say we (USA) should never have gotten involved. That it was a French problem. But South Vietnam asked for our help and we jumped in, not really knowing what we were getting into, I would guess. Incidentally, in case you are wondering, retired military.

Mimi3748, I lost several childhood friends to this war that they were drafted into, did not believe in and were too young to vote against.

To all those who have served their countries, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. But let us also remember, those who fought for their believes, thou many of us, may not have agreed with them. Like the Civil War, it split many families, some of which still have not healed. I lost many friends and family to this war. Some have blamed Kennedy, for getting us into that war. Hey, news flash, I had an uncle, (an advisor) there in 1958-59. So both Dem's and GOP's, got into the act. The way our guys were treated when they came home, was shameful, so glad to see that has turned around some. So to all the young people, back then (old ones, now), and fold those who have grown-up since, let's have some tolerance. So again, to all servicemen (then and now), everywhere in every country, Thank you, for your service and the service of your families.

Mimi3748, all wars are political.

Okie Razorback
Heartland Old Guy, Thank you for your service.

Ho started out as a Nationalist but was pushed into the communist camp after the USA refused to help him secure independence from France. The West supported a succession of despotic military leaders who were more interested in power than in rallying their people. We did not have a hope in hell of winning. From one who was there and studies history.

( Snail Darter)
Big Daddy 08171972, Wrong.....Kennedy’s top advisors tried to convince him that getting the US involved in a distant civil war was a recipe for disaster. He didn’t listen, and that political POS Johnson upped the ante, until we had over five hundred thousand troops involved in a winless war.....

Stobor. I really don't think the French were interested in handing anything over. They thought they could just walk back in after Japan was defeated and it was "business as usual". If in doubt have a look at their track record in Algeria. Please do not think I'm a leftie. Just pragmatic and trying to be objective.

Player Elf Counsel
Heartland Old Guy, Yet another war they dragged us Aussies into. Now it's Afghanistan. Unwinnable like all their wars.

Player Darius
Player #913201, Every war is a tragedy.

mukesh sharma.mahakall.b
city is popular city is great City me like it place.

CA Cloudmaker, True that! Money is the fuel and lubrication of every greasy-palmed politician signing the bottom line on every Declaration of War.


Player #118044812
nimblemoon, I did as well

Player #118044812
Heartland Old Guy, that's for the info

Player #122966166
( Snail Darter), it's all for political gain just like the Iraq war

If you ever visit Vietnam today, it is one of the loveliest scenic countries I have ever visited, and the people are friendly along with amazing fresh seafood daily. been there 6 times now, and could easily live there. Amazing country, and a shame it was fought over, where scars still potmark the earth today.

CA Cloudmaker
I’ve seen some comments here claiming that the US/NV war was political. Some even said that all wars are political in nature. As is often the case, folks stop one or two steps in their line of logic too soon. In this age of rampant Capitalism, money is the primary motivation whenever First World nations start killing people in other countries.

when I was young of age I as told the the US win the Vietnam war. But as I grow old, I learned that the Americans never when the Vietnam war...it only happen in the movies provided that they won the Vietnam war. it's like a battle like David (Vietnam) and Goliath (US).

R+T#1/2 o+b#45/46
CAGranny, Kennedy was advised by McNamara as well as serveral military leaders to pull out. Some of his inter circle wanted him to wait until after the 64 elections ( which he decided to do). Needless to say....

South Vietnam did not want to be communist and wanted to be indepenent from the North. Many people there do not think of HCM as a hero and still refer to HCM City as Saigon.
Hồng Phi
HCM is described like a saint in Vietnam all the time, to cover the bad things that the communist government has been doing.

eloy de guzman jr
Heartland Old Guy, Salute to you

thank you nam vets(i was 2 months shy of the draft) my gener a tions sacrifice.

Player #16898396
Awesome Came in Handy.For test

hoa hoa
As a Vietnamese rolling through down all comments, iam a bit sad and wonder ' how could they think that !?!??!' . Because us Vietnamese always thanks USA because of their help( although they sprented the Agent Orange). And this is a war that you should not say what you wanna say like ' communism is bad or your friends or whatever got involved and gone' . You should blame France for starting the war not us. I don't hate France and in fact im learning the langues right now. What im trying to say is the old time people think differentlly and don't blame them because they think that it would be good for them and their country

Heartland Old Guy, Bless your heart


He is very loved in his country, he is called also as uncle Ho. Really great political and military leader dedicated his life for the freedom and unification of his nation and motherland.

Heartland Old Guy, supposedly honoring commimitments by former administrations

PanhandleGuy, The end justifies the means is one of their basic tenents. That was the fundamental problem with the "body count" method of measuring progress that the western forces used. The North's birth rate was higher than their losses. Draw your own conclusions.

firepower1, Mate, I think he means Uncle Ho!

Sonicgirl. Does that include the Marquis who fought the Nazis?

( Snail Darter)
Heartland Old Guy, It was a civil war between a divided nation. All that the Vietnamese wanted was a free election promised to them at the Geneva Conference and the reunification of their country. Our increased military presence in Vietnam was more political than altruistic.......

as in Ho Chi Min City!