Which president helped create the March of Dimes?
Correct answer: Franklin D. Roosevelt

Wonder which came first? March of Dimes or FDR's image on the dime?

Thank you, FDR

Player #3220410
Alisha Wickham, March of dimes came first. I remember collecting in the 50's the Libertyville was still around then

dollis1963, Children did the actual collecting of the dimes. Grown-ups organized it and ran it.

Player nawa
if you donate to them now 10 cents per dollar donated goes towards the actual cause. The other 90 cents goes to pay their execs.

Alisha Wickham
Thank you “Annie”. I loved that movie when i was young and that helped me remember 🤗

Player #22450195
Player nawa, so sad that charities do that. I donate thru my church humanitarian organization

Player #35547099
Player nawa, sadly that's how a lot of charities are

Player #41292538
I went door to door collecting $ for March of dime as a kid.

Player #116240003
Michael, if you donate clothes. Donate to the Salvation Army instead of Goodwill

Giggle Pig
Duchess, the old dimes were called Mercury dimes.

Giggle Pig
Player nawa, you know that’s why I have difficulty respecting rich people (don’t give me wrong I don’t hate them), but usually they’ve done something that you or I wouldn’t do. collecting a huge paycheck on the back of a charity is just wrong.

Giggle Pig
WaldoLydeker, has to be the March of Dimes came first, because he started it, and because they don’t put images on coins until after you’ve passed away.

I remember walking the March of Dimes walk many years ago, 9 miles. Wow still surprised myself that I was able to walk it. I enjoyed it very much. I would do it again if I could.

Shortly after 9/11 my husband lost his job because government funding dried up. Then our three year old needed tubes in her ears. Our local March of Dimes sent us to the best doctor and outpatient clinic that performed that surgery in town. Donations covered everything. We didn't have to pay a dime. But, I gladly give lots of dimes to my local branch of March of Dimes.

March of dimes,I would think 🤔

He was a good president for his time. lots of interesting questions from the players. Really like this game, so informative. Learn new things facts all the time!

Eisenhower is on the $1 coin.

Player #116240003, I volunteer for a food pantry. 100% volunteer. We accept used clothes that go directly to the homeless.

Player Raving Lu, v. v.

WaldoLydeker, His image on dimes began in mid 1950s. I remember them being the neŵ dìme in the change, instead of the woman's head, (lady liberty). March of Dimes had been out a while already.

WaldoLydeker, do we really care?

We were given polio shots in grade school to prevent polio.

no one like Roosevelt, did so many things for the country. different kind of politician back then they actually had values and morals and did the best they could for the country not their pocketbooks. if only our Founding Fathers could see what a mess political parties have created. our government is untouchable with it's making its own rules, wages, laws and jobs if u wanna call what Congress does work

Player #120374466
Player #35547099, Yes. rich people set up foundations mainly as a tax shelter.

WaldoLydeker, March of Dimes then his image on the dime was in 1946 on the President’s 64th (posthumous) birthday 🥳

WaldoLydeker, 1938, and 1946 respectively

WaldoLydeker, March of Dimes preceded his image by about eight years so think? Maybe more.

Player #95490826
Nikki~Mae, should hold some type of event in Dime Box , Texas!

WaldoLydeker, president FDR‘s picture was placed on the dime after his death. So the answer to your question is the March of Dimes was first.

WaldoLydeker, President FDR’s picture was placed on the dime after his death. So the answer to your question is afterwards.

Back in the early 80s my advertising company hosted a March of dines event where we roller skates the entire length of Manhattan. Fun times even when hitching a ride on the back of a truck!😂

people should research Dr. Virginia APGAR and the March of Dimes.

when America was not afraid to stand for UNBORN BABIES

Dang got it wrong...guess I dont know much about Presidents

Player #8784512, Eisenhower's picture is on the US dollar coin, you don't see them very often

Player #40232358
Player Raving Lu, Thank you for sharing the information.

Jeff Swanson
WaldoLydeker, he's on the dime because of MOD.