In Japanese cooking, what is sashimi?
Correct answer: Raw Fish

Player #120374466
Years ago I asked a Japanese friend if her family ever ate raw fish in Japan and the answers was, No. She said it seemed to be a thing for rich people living in the city

Any question regarding raw fish, go with Japan as your answer. I guarantee you’ll never be wrong. And BTW: Ewwww :(

sushi with soy sauce

Kayleigh Berlin
At first it was hard to eat but eventually I got used to it and was not as bad as I thought it would be! 😊

I eat sashimi by the boat load.!!!

I don’t like raw fish 🤢🤮

Happy girl 543
BonBon, are you Bonnie Aplin my bf

Happy girl 543
Yay ŷâŷ ŷàŷ

Cat Mom
marimargo, I've eaten sushi many times but have never heard of this other dish

Cat Mom
BonBon, lol

Many in my family love sushi, raw fish wrapped in a wheel shape with various veggies in between the layers of fish.

Never want to eat raw fish. Yuck! It is also bad for you.

I once ate sashimi.I love the tuna sashimi.