Who said "A party without a cake is just a meeting"?

Correct answer: Julia Child

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Big W
Big W
Player #365889, No, not at all. She was an extremely gifted CHEF who published some very fine (and complicated) cookbooks in addition to her long running PBS cooking show. To refer to her as simply a "sweet old lady who succeeded" is an insult to her memory and all chefs who should and DO take her work very seriously!
RentedDynamo24704, not a sweet old lady, but a 6’ tall lady who was a spy for England during WWII. History is important!!
Player #1480222
Player #1480222
because people actually did physical labor, in their yards, kids rode bicycles, outdoor games and entertainment.
I remember watching her show when I was very young and having no idea what she was making. It just looked like fun!
Player #11046804coco
Player #11046804coco
I miss those great days before you were told about all the bad things that could kill you. I am 76 and have eaten what what I like all my life and I am an strong and healthy very active women.Enjoy your food !,,,
Player #3813778
Player #3813778
She was also an agent of the CIA for years while traveling abroad. Beside being a marvelous chef, she was America's Jane Bond!
Player #11503902
Player #11503902
Lynnflynn5123, Thank you for that historical information. I did not know that about her. I see her as having been a tough intelligent woman, who didn’t run from danger, but instead was willing to risk her life for what she believed in. I respect people like that. After the war, she rewarded herself by learning to do what she had a passion for and succeeded. Amazing story.
Player #1961991
Player #1961991
Player #214988, me too. I watched her cooking shows way before the Food Network came along.
can't argue that
She was the best!!!
wow... I remember when I was in the 3rd grade I use to run home and rush through ma
Player #11046804coco, Yay for allnus True OGs,( old gurls)! I'm 69 fit af and still eat what I want! Gimme all my gluten! Before we were told all these fables about what's so bad 4 u we ate them! Didn't kill us! But whatever just BE Good, DO GOOD and stay Alive. Peace All
Player #3813778, She was a RESEARCH assistant. For the OSS. NOT a ‘Field Operative’.
Julia Childs was one of the funniest "chief 's" of her time. anyone remembers her preparing meals & cutting up her fingers/hands? Many comedians imitated her on TV shows. loved her though!
Player #11503902, it was the OSS...CIA came later
Cat Mom
Cat Mom
PlatinumPsycho, you mean Dan Aykroyd
Cat Mom
Cat Mom
Player #11046804coco, you go girl!
she was also an Americn spy in WWII occupied France. What courage!
I love cake it is the best
B Dog
B Dog
An interviewer asked her once, late in her career, to what did she contribute her longevity. Her answer was “red meat… and gin!” 😂😂😂 Julia was the greatest
A woman who was before her time
I loved watching Julia Child, especially when she cook with Jacques Pepin
Lynnetta Gaskins
Lynnetta Gaskins
boy could Julia Child cook yummy
Player #71316077
Player #71316077
sorry this is my brother and go ahead
Player #71316077
Player #71316077
brother you don't know what you mean game
It’s The Dragon
It’s The Dragon
I will have to agree with her XD
Betty Myers
Betty Myers
One of her cook books (can’t remember the name) taught me how to make cream of mushroom soup. I took it to work one day and one of my co-workers wanted me to make the soup and she would pay me. I made the soup but didn’t charge her. Like Ms. Child, I like to see people eat good food. But all the praise is for Ms. Child! God love you Ms Child!
let's add a little sherry to the dish and then one for me 😃. she was fun
Bono petite!
Big W, hv hmm JH
She would say something like that. I like her an the re-runs also.
I just never really cared for her. but then I was pretty young back then too!
the chef I first learned from
Player #39022962
Player #39022962
that looks good 😘😋😁
Player #35956968
Player #35956968
Great cook and funny Lady!
I just loved her when I watched her shows in my younger days. now that I am much older, I found I am watching her shows now on PBS. I love and have great respect for this woman, she is real, not artificial or fake like the chefs we have on TV now. I remember the episode where she slapped a big old fish. She cooks like I do. make a mistake..oh well.drop things..no problem. Wish I could have met her.
crystal kitty
crystal kitty
ive only ever seen her from the Goldberg's
Player #32209379
Player #32209379
Julia Child demonstrated the true art of cooking with fun and class. I watched her back in the day and she inspired me to truly enjoy cooking. I still do today...with loads of butter! Thank you Julia.
Alice Ellis
Alice Ellis
My boyfriend's grandmother actually worked with her when she was a lot younger.She said she was a fabulous chief and it was great to have someone as notable as her in Napa Valley.His grandma was an original employee at Mondavi winery and so she knew about fine wines and through Julia child fine dining.
Julia was a very funny lady and a great cook!