What event happened in the life of American resident Valentino Dixon?
Correct answer: Twenty-seven years of false imprisonment

How is this poor man being compensated by the 'justice' system? This is so sad.
Also, since when does the Vatican dispense gold medals? And Jack Nicklaus is quite famous but certainly NOT infamous. Tsk!

And we complain and complain and are barely ever thankful. What a big achiever despite they rob precious years of his life.

This is an amazing story, why hasn’t there been a movie made?

Player #115960246
Raana, He should have sued the prosecutors for whom he spend so many years in exile. You are hailing him..he lost his entire life for doing no crime. What kind of judiciary is this and how wretched are the lawyers and judges. Shame.

Player #10620731
There are SO MANY MORE Valentino Dixons' throughout American prisons who are innocent but were taken away , given improper representation, then face immoral prosecutors who could care less about justice or innocence, they only care about their conviction rates , THEN have to face the corrupt Judge!! !

Player #10620731
Everyone from the police to the prosecutors to the judge should be investigated fired and indicted!

Player #25874027
What was the alleged crime and why and how was he exonerated?

What an inspiring and humble human...

Player #118103951
Infamous Jack Nicklaus? I always thought he was a good golfer.

Player #120374466
Sadly many over the centuries suffered the same injustices, even being executed. But no one to speak up for them like for Valentino.

Player #109945361, must know sumit we don't

Kane , I agree with you 110%

I don't understand, how they know he was innocent?

I’m glad this question is here. I knew nothing about this, but I got the answer right BECAUSE the picture was of a Black Man. Now, THAT IS A SHAME.

Dr Physio
It's a lesson for everyone out there

And there's many more humans incarcerated for the same reason. The majority are black and brown skin people. If I knew someone I loved was not only incarcerated and convicted of a crime the person did not commit, I'd be on everyone to get the truth out. Evidence.

No peace for the prosecutor and Judge.

27 years: The Exoneration of Valentino Dixon is a tv movie

Very high spirited man..

There are SO many Valentino Dixon's who are wrongly incarcerated. Some of them on death row! The Innocence Project does incredible work and has lots of documentaries. For me personally- The Kalief Browder story was terrible 💔

Interesting 🤔

why was he encountered ?

in India also there areso many cases, who are innocents, but stays behind the bars

And it’s “Augusta” not “August”

Michelle Obama should investigate the reason of Injustice of him. That was not enough to buy his drawing.

MCA , This world has some amazing people and then unfortunately there are some absolutely horrible and evil people. I can't comprehend how people can hurt innocent and helpless people or animals. I could go on because I am going through something super sad and it involves my baby grandson. I am fighting it and I am surprised I have not flooded the whole world with tears. I have to hold on to faith in my Savior Jesus Christ and it's really hard sometimes. His time and way is perfect.

Olly, I second that!

Kane , What an amazing human who truly exemplifies the best of humanity.

Infame, the worst!

I wasn't familiar with his name, but looking at his face and checking the answers, I knew! Poor man!

Player #10620731, not just American prisons, corruption is worldwide

I DO wish people would learn the definition of the word "infamous." Jack Nicolaus is not infamous. Adding a negative prefix (un-, in-, a-) to a word alters the meaning of the word. Infamous is a bad thing.

Scary am I right, like talk about innocence OMG so sad poor guy

will looking some readings about this, what a justice system we have !!!

Mr. Dixon's life is a prompt for each of us to look for that peaceful, forgiving, and unvengeful spirit in ourselves and others. I will search for his work and perhaps one day I will be among the "famous" people who are privileged enough to share in his gifts💜

Exactly! Trust me, not a jury of his peers, they looked nothing like him 😾

Kane , nothing can pay him back in hindu they say its his karma sad

Raana, You said it Perfectly! There are Soo many people out there who get away with doing horrific crimes and his life was taken for something he didn't do!

Lorraine , let's not get crazy. I mean, if we pay one person then we'd have to start paying for all these devastating mistakes. AND all those people who'd need to admit any wrongdoings or, possibly... they were guilty of stealing/destroying the most precious commodity in existence? That sounds way too reasonable.

Player #115960246, The prosecutor wants a conviction. Guilty or not.