What is the U.S. national flower?
Correct answer: Rose
Florida's state bird is the mosquito.
Player #539419
this is not a rose
Player Say what!?
Could the fact that it's the national flower be the real reason for destroying the Rose Garden?
Player Say what!?
Jo, a picture of a rose would have given it away. They very frequently do not show the answer.
Wannabe Vulcan
I'm born and raised in the USA, and I never knew we HAD a national flower!
Player #3632696
dollis1963, yes but they grow wild in parts of the SC Appalachian Foothills. Beautiful!!
Player #326446, not sure. Should be the wild rose. Others are cultivated.
Too pretentious,, I'd rather the ubiquitous dandelion!!! smiley faces
RICK-N-BACHER, Minnesota has a state fish: Walleye Pike
what about a state fish and a state insect?
Blooply, and Minnesota!
Player #3366575
Player #3748832, ahh, but the fresh scent.