Who was mistakenly declared the winner of the 1948 presidential election by the Chicago Daily Tribune?
Correct answer: Thomas Dewey

Player #8799671GOLLY
Delan1947, Harry Truman was an excellent president. I was a lifelong Democrat, even voted for Obama the first term. however the Democratic is not the party of Roosevelt, JFK, Jimmy Carter. the entire gang has run off the rail and now are a bunch of morons.

Player #4586042
Last*in*line, Hillary should've been in prison for treason, and not running for office!

Player #4250921
Last*in*line, Hillary lost because she failed to connect with America's heartland. Yes she won the popular vote, but she didn't win America's heart.

Player #8799671GOLLY, same here!!! I thought Dems were for America until they started taking from Americans and giving to illegal immigrants.

Fake news....even way back then...

Player #4586042, It's sad that in this country a person who has been proven guilty of an offence can not be prosecuted. The Clintons have long been thought of in many negative ways. Besides Hillary would have embarrassed the country and herself with her screeching. It didn't show impassioned beliefs, just poor control.

Player #8799671GOLLY, brood of vipers & den of thieves is closer a description...

Uninitialized, im having a hard time keeping this a educational game, but i am right now.

So there was fake news even then. Now the political shoe is on the other foot. Hillary did not win! Get over it.

Player #5099592
OptimisticCoin44612, Jesus is King .I am okay!

Player #5099592
Delan1947, I consider some democrats and love Trumps vision statements Dont agree with doesnt yeild to Christ and he seems ti not honor the Father or fear him like you!

Player #5099592
Delan1947, vice versa. We all will give an account. Jesus talked about idols stop the pride. I prayed for mercy on Trump because it's what the Lord was speaking in my heart to do. We have to honor respect and didnt think he was about that even tho didnt vote for him . Stop following a party!

Player #7106191, we got stuck with YOUR know-nothing do-nothing for two miserable terms immediately before, and you will never admit the truth as long as you live. You're what we call LOW INTELLIGENCE voters.

Suzy Q 54
Player #7106191, and I’m go glad we got him, he’s the best president we’ve had in many ages, he is a business man and he’s running our country like a business and doing a damm good job, like any other boss you have , you don’t have to like him just let him do his job.

famous photo of Truman holding up newspaper smiling as it declared Dewey the winner.

Player #4250921
2gameORnot2game4mE, Agreed. That was my nice way of saying that nobody liked her very much.

Player #1856199
Delan1947, Perhaps, read the Report. A steady diet of spin, leaves one's head in a twirl. A true patriot gets facts and makes decisions with their own mind. Not rush. Not msnbc. Not fox. Time to get serious.