Who were the first Europeans to reach India by sea routes for trade?
Correct answer: Portuguese

Player #29171171, first of 4 voyages beginning on August 3rd, 1492 after Spain had expelled the Sephardic jews on August 2nd,1492. ComRobUs helped to lay the foundation of Slavery, Racism, Capitalism and the exploitation of African and Native Americans.

De, after the Polynesians

Player #29171171
the Indian n Chinese trade with Europeans and Arab had continued for centuries via roads long before the discovery of sea route. the religious wars between Christmas n Islam forced the Europeans to search for sea route. Columbus thought he had found India when he landed in South America in 1492/93. then Vasco da Gama landed in India.

Gerald &Estie Anderson
This is Why Spain went West and Ran Into America

kerala 🙂

Big Blue Champs
It was Ronaldo