What major league player threw a no hitter while on LSD?

Correct answer: Doc Ellis

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What people think about it: 27 Comments
Player #9011389
Player #9011389
Player #9442102, Threw his first pitch for a strike then just followed the trails for the rest of the game
Player #52801610LB
Player #52801610LB
🤣😂🤣when I was called in on my day off.. almost was fired on my day off like Craig
knows stuff
knows stuff
always loved this story, not the least because my white, very conservative, neighbor's nickname is 'Doc Ellis' ...
That had to be one doozy of a trip. Throwing a 'no hitter,' while tripping on hallucinogenics was the best game of his life. I don't remember watching this game, but I sure would like to see it in a rerun sometime soon.
Player #9442102
Player #9442102
Player #8988878Xet, worked for him. probably would be fired nowadays.
Surprised not disqualified for performance enhancing drugs. Myself, I prefer to go skiing while on hallucinogens.
like to know how it got known he was tripping
Well I remember driving on Mescaline and had no problem!!! It was when I was coming down a little tho!!! That was back in the day when everyone was doing it!! Not everyone only my friends!!!😊
Player #8988878Xet
Player #8988878Xet
Player Cosmo Chic, that was mescaline...a little milder...but not much different!!!
Player MsZep
Player MsZep
wow, man! wonder if the stadium was melting 😂🤔🤔😂😂
There's a documentary called "No No" about him, and his name is Dock.
I knew it opened up one's consciousness, allowed sight beyond sight, as it were... but, improving your pitching? that's a new one on me. Thanks for the free knowledge, friend. 🤔💯
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
tam, He probably bragged about it afterwards.
Not sure this is a fact and should be in a trivia game. Some think it's a lie or an exaggeration.
Shelby Johnson
Shelby Johnson
Player #29462662, he wasn't supposed to work that day so he couldn't be hit with taking performance enhancing drugs. Awesome Story!
Player #29462662
Player #29462662
tunegrabber, it was his day off so they couldn’t actually say he was using drugs to enhance his performance. Besides, I’m sure he didn’t want to go at first.
Player #29462662
Player #29462662
dementedduck1, I wonder if you can see it on YouTube.
Glynn, How could he take it? It took so long to bake it, and he'll never have the recipe AGAIN! OH NOOOO!😉
Player #810147, I love Todd Snider! "I was looking for a job when I found this one..."😉
Player #810147
Player #810147
Thanks to Todd Snider I knew this.
Player #2929570
Player #2929570
weedwhacker, I skiied at A-basin after a 20 + inch blizzard on 2 hits of liquid acid once. Someone had to drive me home, of course.
Player #25892950
Player #25892950
I think he fessed up way after
Glynn, 😂
He was also on greenies. I’m sure that helped a little as he was on a little binge and probably low on sleep.
Player MsZep, Somebody left his cake out in the rain.
Player #52801610LB, nice Friday reference!
Player #1700163
Player #1700163
I believe that his name is Dock Ellis, not doc Ellis