Who is Claudette Colvin?
Correct answer: A pioneer of the US civil rights movement

One always hears about Rosa Parks, deservedly so, but Claudette Colvin is not getting her due. I never heard of this lady.

Pimpao +
justice gave her strength, great soul of our century

ChampionNymph37634, A lot of black history was swept under the rug.

This was a new one on me & I see from other comments that I'm not alone. Obviously, what happened didn't receive the publicity it deserved. Somehow, the struggle this young lady faced & her subsequent victory in court were "swept under the rug", so to speak; which serves as testament to the insidious nature of racism & discrimination. It would seem that early victories in civil rights were largely ignored.

Player #3833664
Get up Stand up for yr rights!!!

Player #8698003, Straight facts!!! Plus she was pregnant at the time and was kicked out of school for it.

Player #14873434
WaldoLydeker, I'm a retired secondary school American history teacher and i never came across her name in any curriculum.

Elaine McPherson
WOW! This woman, I don't think anyone has ever heard of this lady. Which is something of an anomaly. Usually, the only black American's has ever heard of is Rosa Parks, MLK, and Ms. Tubman. BUT, There are so many more black American's, in Science, Mathematics, even two women worked for NASA.

Last I heard, being pregnant while still in school is not a crime & not that uncommon either. She still deserves credit.

Player Bengal Mama
WaldoLydeker, This lady was just 16 years old, amazing strength and courage.

SpankyJo, I am never ashamed of my race..nor should you be..you didn't do it

I read it somewhere a few years ago, the reason why Claudette Colvin didn't get recognized publicly as the first woman before Rosa Parks, was that she was young and pregnant so she wouldn't have been a good role model to display at the time. 🫤

Player #130998363
Just learned the other day the song Black Bird by the Beatles is about the plight of black people

Player Bengal Mama, so true good for her

she and Rosa Parks are for the Civil Rights Movement.

WaldoLydeker, I've heard the name but couldn't remember why until I saw her picture!
This all happened just before I was born!
Growing up in the 60s was terrifying for a small child who didn't fully understand what was going on, or why!

urtrippin2, They would have kicked out any pregnant girl of any color from school in the 1950's; different times.

She was 15 when she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white woman. She is now 84 years old. According to Google, she did not receive the same attention as Rosa Parks because she did not have "good hair", she was not fair skinned, she was a teenager and she was pregnant.

They also thought that because Mrs. Parks was lighter complexioned, she would find more sympathy within the public eye, especially within the white community.

Elaine , this is the very type of information people like Ron DeSantis, Greg (Ironsides) Abbott, and those that are censoring books wish to allow to be read, printed, or published.

Wow thanks QUIZZLAND for the info never knew this

There are many brave individuals who fought against hate. Our history doesn’t do the justice it deserves

Giggle pig
I didn’t remember the name, but I remember the picture.

Player #14873434, "Secondary school" in America??? I think not.

Til this day we won't never know the whole Truth

Wow, I never knew this, Claudette Colvin did not get the recognition she deserved. God bless her and everything she did to help be such a monumental stone in the progression of society to where we are today. Thank you! we praise you Claudette Colvin! 🙏🙏

Ktkk, the paper bag test involves the comparison of the skin of a person of color to a paper bag. If their skin was darker than the bag, they were deemed too black.

WaldoLydeker, Me neither Ive always heard Rosa Parks, so this makes me sad that even today (only by us play this wonderful learned something new🤓that she isnt getting her praise for having courage to stand up! and refuse to sit in a section but where she chose too

Uninitialized, To think that so much has been lost in every history because of mans unwillingness to come to grips with being equally as ready for the world. Not just one race, nor ethencisisty just the lack of ones ability to get along peaceable with each other not based on ones color. ...

Chris Washington
Ms. Clovin and I share the same birthday with Freddy Mercury

I learned about her on Drunk History. I miss that show!

she was probably beaten half to death once they got her locked up. sometimes I'm ashamed to be white

Guillermo Jr.
WaldoLydeker, I blame Blossom Dearie..

WaldoLydeker, I haven't either

US history classes are have a selective curriculum

Player #13023389
I have black on my paternal side and was very moved to learn of this female. Debby

Player Gigi #28446253
Ktkk, good question, I will have to look into that!

Player #8698003,
What is the paper bag test?