What is the chemical symbol for calcium in the periodic table of elements?
Correct answer: Ca

Thank goodness for Sheldons shower curtain...

So shocked I got this, as I was terrible in Chemistry class. Maybe all the milk I drink is helping me out!

Heartland Old Guy
Good question. Affects us all. Oh, by the way, I'm coming up on 50 years out of school. Love milk too.

Mendeleev's periodic table ❤️

Mardell Riley
Just remeber from school. Amazing right !😎

yay got one of these right

Princess 'M'
Really got into Chem. in High School

My only addiction is milk. Tough one, huh! lol

Cm = Curium, Cl = Chlorine, C = Carbon

little b
I've not heard of ca

ameer jan

i love chemistry I'm even going to a special high school with chemistry that has a field for it and then i get to learn more!

being obsessed with product labels pays off.

Colnago CLX
Be sure to take Vitamin D with it.

Player #10557290
I bet alot of people are now going to Google the word "Molarity". It is just a way of measuring concentration. There is actually alot of different ways to measure concentration in Chemistry. You have Molarity, Molality, Parts Per Million, Parts Per Billion.....

Guillermo Jr.
add Calcium in the form of eggshells to your garden soil for smashing tomatoes

Player #33905807
this is the easiest one yet :P

l personally love all things milk!

MetalMom59, My humble thanks for the info. lt could possibly be the explanation to a few things that ail my son.

not good enough at physics😅😴

Nice work Heather P

I hate milk. never drunk one since 6.

Easiest question #sciencerocks

Player #14706337
I don ‘t even do chemistry class yet , l got it right😃

Player #11519542
Cheyenne Gallagher

Curium discovered by MarieCurie

MetalMom59, as I understand it, it is genetic whether you retain the ability to do so or not. This surprises many Americans because something like 90% of the US population does retain the ability to do so.
However, globally over 80% of adults are actually lactose intolerant which has nothing to do with diet/habituation... just genetics.

EnigmaticJustice2141, Yes and no. True most adults produce the lactase enzyme. However, some of us stopped producing it starting in our late teens. So, continuing to drink/eat dairy products into adulthood just gives us digestion issues from mild discomfort to diarrhea.

I hate the question!!!!

Sumica, the Lactase Enzyme is apparent within most adults should they have continued to have milk within their diet from childhood. As a result the majority of adults DO have the enzyme required... this enzyme is responsible for digesting all parts of milk.

I guess school was good for something #20yearslater