Fiji consists of an archipelago of how many islands?
Correct answer: More than 330 islands
I wish I could visit one of the Fidji Islands😍
Moonlight , Me too!
Another country on my bucket list 😁
The first paragraph of the explanation is not clear:
Fiji spans approximately 1.3 million square kilometers, but this area is mostly ocean. The country's land area is about 18,300 square kilometers, with the rest covered by the surrounding waters of the South Pacific.
The figure of 1.3 million square kilometers refers to Fiji's exclusive economic zone (EEZ), not its land area. An EEZ is a maritime zone extending 200 nautical miles (about 370 kilometers) from a country's coastline, in which the country has special rights to explore, exploit, and manage marine resources.
(The vast size of the EEZ reflects the large marine territory that Fiji controls.)
Mars V
It’s always the “more than” choice.
SkyEagle, its my home
Fiji is way the world should be....
i clicked 33
sunbeem, me too