What was the name of the Portland-class cruiser that delivered the atomic bomb to Tinian Island?
Correct answer: USS Indianapolis

I actually knew that answer because of the movie Jaws!

Player #19719147
According to Spielberg, the "story of the Indianapolis" scene was his favorite scene in Jaws. The scene took 2 nights to film because he gave Shaw permission to "have a few drinks before shooting" the first night, which turned out to be a mistake. Footage from both nights was used and nobody can tell what footage was from which night. Source: Blu-ray with commentary.

I seen the movie. it was tragic what happened to the ship and many of its crew those men were all heroes. too bad they court martialed the captain even though he was innocent of any wrong doing and his own crew supported him. years later the captain committed suicide over it.

knowbrains, Robert Shaw should have won the oscar for that role.

I am from/live in Indianapolis, Indiana & there is a monument for this tragic historic event!

Player #62752956
abobo, Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz remitted McVay's sentence and restored him to active duty. McVay retired in 1949 as a rear admiral.

Player #12252603
Donna, I'm from Tennessee. I've been to the monument on the bank of the canal. It was very moving. what a beautiful city Indianapolis is!

the ship in the photo is wearing Type 5 battalion camoflague. The USS Indy, like wore none her last night afloat.