How old is the Earth (approximately)?
Correct answer: 4,600,000,000 years old

everyone has a right to believe in God or not to but no one has the right to denigrate what a person believes. play nicely, children!

Hey everybody-could we stop prophesying and just play trivia?

jacapocristo, how foolish to think that your god is limited to creating a universe only 6000 years old and focussed on tiny earth and mere humans. The real picture is so much more majestic. Billions of years old and filled with uncountable stars and planets. I pity the poverty of your imagination. How sad that you miss the full glory of this amazing universe.

Religion is a man made creation created by those who sought to control the masses. Sadly, it is still working today.

Lady V
I was looking forward to the comment section the second I read the question. I was not disappointed! It's baffling me how there's still people out there that believe an old stuffy outdated book over common sense and actually think the earth is a mere few thousand years old. Just goes to show its about time churches in the states need to get taxed so there's more money for education!

ImperviousSnake81599, Maybe there's a bible trivia app you'd like better.

You children need to stop with this baby talk and allow each other to believe in what they choose. Arguing Religion, REALLY?!

Player #169579
Martin Rose, i take exception to this as god did not write the bible. people did. gods word is in it but to take scientific advice from a people who thought that a cold waa a lizard inside or someone is simply crazy. are you telling me the colorado river carved rhe grand canyon in 8000 years? or did got just make it really deep to begin with and he made a bunch of fossils for us to find just as a joke right?

Player #1010751, no its not. Facts are not subjective.

But the guy at KFC told me the earth was 78 years old?? This question is inaccurate.

Be wise
According to the song from the Big Bang theory show, it is nearly 14 billion years old.

Be wise
myquest, maybe he was 78yrs old.

I 😂😂😂??? correct I think 😁😁😂...

just choose the oldest

Player #123495549
myquest, That's what you get for listening to MyPillow Lindell

Player #39532510
I have never commented before but you god people are too funny. Everything is about YOUR god. Which god out of the many religions is correct? That said... I enjoy learning things with this game. It's my go-to whenever I have time to kill. Love it.

instead of going over the earth to know how old it is,first make this earth inhabitants better.

Aside from all the controversy, let's face it... the earth is old!!!

Lady V, same here😂

I 've heard about blood sample not lunar sample

seriously why everyone is taking about religion when it's just a question

myquest, 🤣

chota nun

KorbenJackDallas, science, and spiritual beliefs can actually co-exist.

Has anyone heard of the saying "God has 99 names " well he does, it's the same god, different name and different ways of worshipping, so there you go, no more arguments. we are all the he same. How boring the world would be if everyone thought the same, dressed the same and ate the same etc.. neh... and it's the same with religion as long as we can play in the same sandbox and still respect each other and share, we are living in 2022 so why not or are we so
petty and selfish? .

Fandango40011, wise words

This question is coming again and again

science and god interconnect most times

Fandango40011, why so many dislikes, i don't get it you're saying it right🤔

miss smarty-pants
Lady V, WOW that's mean

Player #66817220
MrAngryInEaling, I have proof of the bible every time I stay in a motel.

Player #66817220
Mark, "terrestrial planets" refers to Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

God is real!! The Bible is His word. The USA was founded on religious beliefs. ‘ One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all’. Amen 🙏

Fandango40011, thanks uncle

Its just an estimated years old of the earth...

Player #49986886
KorbenJackDallas, Thank you for your words as I too will be seeing things a little differently

SKULL CRUSHER, Do you mean fellow rocky planets? Terrestrial means Earth...