What Does the "D" in D-day stand for?
Correct answer: Has no meaning

Errez, No sir, no disrespect! Merely trivia re. DOD SOP. Even peacetime operations have a d day and h hour . This was the most famous. Respectfully Submitted. OORAH

The French maintain the D means “disembarkation,” still others say “debarkation,” and the more poetic insist D-Day is short for “day of decision.” When someone wrote to General Eisenhower in 1964 asking for an explanation, his executive assistant Brigadier General Robert Schultz answered: “General Eisenhower asked me to respond to your letter. Be advised that any amphibious operation has a ‘departed date’; therefore the shortened term ‘D-Day’ is used.”

808stevan1, Right, the "D" stands for day.

Player #3366575
the "d" stands for disembarkment day. the day the allies stormed the beaches of Normandy.

Player #596472,
Gosh...there's just so much of him to knock!