What was the largest naval, air and land operation in history?
Correct answer: D-Day

My Dad was there

Bless all or troups, past and present!!!!

Missy K
My Pop Pop, was a paratrooper and went through Normandy, and was at Battle of the Bulge. <3 love and miss him terribly! 💕 RIP

Player #2426758
maternal grandparents were WWII Seabees and maternal grandfather is a WWII green beret.. proud familial association.

Missy K, My grandpa as well. He had trouble dealing with it until he passed. Tremendous sacrifices to keep the world safe.

They died in order that we may live. May their souls rest in peace.

Player #3912108
AttackingCobra3250, My Dad was there too

My father was there. He met my mama in Paris and she came to America as. War bride.

Laudy Miss Claudy
AttackingCobra3250, So was mine!

It must have been horrific battle

Butch, My dad enlisted 1 year after Pearl Harbor and went to Philippines. 8 months dealing with PTSD. 2 Bronze Stars. Made me want to be USMC. Sgt. I am.

Idk I'dc Idk Idc idk idc

AttackingCobra3250, As was my Dad. D-Day took place exactly one week after I was born.

Player #120374466
Gonzo, Many young men from all sides died during those 3 months of battle. I'm glad your grandfather survived, but humans were never ment to see and engage in such violence.

AttackingCobra3250, My dad as well and that was his 20th birthday

Player #19880462
Pchblsom, How very romantic!

Player #58092313
c b 's are construction battalion.

Amazing what Americans did for Frenchs & rest of European countries 👍🏻

AttackingCobra3250, I always thought Market Garden was, one learns every day

Player #53455830
My father also was engaged along with the British. However, after the war, there were little recognition for those who survived the war. May his soul rest in peace. I miss you Pops.

My dad landed on Sword Beach. We were very proud of him and all the brave service men and women who took part.

Player #35280848
DelightfullyLearn, it was before the battle the projections were above 50% attrition rate. the German lines were heavily fortified.

Tur D'ferguson
Player #2426758, sorry, no such thing as green berets in WWII. This is a fact.

And then the Soviets occupied us for a change.

Guillermo Jr.
sad that to so many alive today June 6 is just another day on the calendar

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Yes, may the Good Lord bless & look after them in their heavenly life.

Moody Eggman
the question is fine, but the choices make no sense.

Player #25874027
Not in the UK , it’s Remembrance Day .
11th November, as the WW1 Armistice was “ at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month”
God bless and protect all who have served and still are serving .

Player #25874027
It would be nice if the answer had explained why it is D-Day.
Apparently it the D just means Day . As in the Day something is to happen , so D-Day was June 6th . If it had been delayed June 7th was D+1 , June 8th was D+2 and so on .

Josetz2000, salut

Missy K, my uncle was a paratrooper at the same places, maybe they knew each other

we must never forget those who gave so much for us

Player #22860654
d day anniversary today

forever grateful to all who participated.

Player Thad
Player #18689860, I Pray it's in my lifetime, would Love to be here to see it. As long as North Korea has an evil leader, then I doubt it will happen, anytime in the near future anyway...

Player Thad
knowbrains, and to the survivors as well.

* Seshati *
Had a young relative loose his life in this fight, sadly he was also the youngest laddie of the clan too.

memorial day is for people who passed,not just veterans , VETERANS DAY is specifically for ALL veterans living and passed.

Player #10628065
After D-day, the Germans must have known they could never win the war.

the war to end all wars did not pan out.