Which English monarch married his brother's wife following his death?
Correct answer: Henry VIII

Henry viii is my favorite person from British history. I still remember the "rhyme" our teacher told us to remember what happened to his wives. divorced,beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived

And that turned out great for Anne!! Crazy man

Player #11503902
OvalRobot2529, One of my favorite historical persons is his daughter,Elizabeth I. To think he chopped off his wives heads, in an attempt to have a son, because he did not believe a woman could rule well. His own daughter, would become the most famous and popular rulers in English history.

Henry VIII was a barbarian!

Glad I wasn't born in that era.

Player #11503902
Player #2433134, Anne of Cleves and Henry became friends, believe it or not. Henry called her a sister and she became a type of confident and they would spend hours playing cards. I guess a woman was far better off being seen as a “horse face,” by Henry. She became wealthy, somewhat influential, and held a status, as well as her head.

Player #3324677
I believe they made a movie about it starring Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson The Other Boleyn Girl.

dollis1963, his legitimate line died out with Elizabeth but he had plenty of illegitimate children to carry on the bloodline

I don't think we can blame a 'head injury' for Henry VIII choices. It was his desperate desire for a legitimate son, which caused him to become more extreme in his actions. He went to extreme lengths to ensure this, creating the Church of England, Executing not only two of his wives, but a large number of nobles and other important figures who did not agree/support his actions.

Player #2433134
OvalRobot2529, wish teachers would teach correct history! Henry’s marriage to 4th wife Anne of Cleves was annulled as it was never consummated but everyone just says divorce! Anne also survived Henry and they actually became friends and he had great respect for her. Because she was willing to give him what he wanted she became one of the richest women of that time so to me that makes her one of my favorite people of that era.

Player #146489328
Henry VIII is my least favourite monarch except possibly his appalling father Henry VII. Henry VIII did not father many illegitimate children. He acknowledged only one illegitimate son named Henry who he created Earl of Richmond. Like Edward, Mary and Elizabeth, Henry Richmond died without children.

OvalRobot2529, interesting person, but also terrible

Player #125843019, there have been two Queen Elizabeth's so you do have to put the number same as Henry VIII

Player #120374466
Nat, Too bad the doctors didn't know back then that it is the males passes on the chromosomes that determines the sex of the expectant child. It could have saved a lot of lives Maybe.

Player #125843019
Could the makers of this app/quiz, start putting the dates correctly, like the rest of the world instead of backwards, ie 17/4/2024.

Player #125843019
Laudy Miss Claudy, no just Mary

Player #125843019
Player #11503902, agree absolutely she was also my favourite ruler, just one little hiccup she was queen Elizabeth, not necessary to put the NUMBER after her name.

Moi, Henry actually died of sepsis from an infected jousting wound on his leg. Although yours has more poetic justice...

OvalRobot2529, and he died of syphilis…karma🙃

Player #77118933
From the way the question is worded it would seem he died then got married again.

Henry VIII apparently would marry anybody... what a womamizer!

Player #68594183
Rag and Bone man and Bastille just played at Ludlow castle, as well as other bands

OvalRobot2529, dark humor I hope

Player #11503902, bloody mary

too bad he didn't know that males determine the sex of the baby! Lol

There is a documentary on who is the true king of britain should be. Look it up on YT.

the whole royal family is full of secrets

love tudor history, I'm just rereading the six wives of Henry the eighth, fascinating stuff.

Player #51716368
It had to be Henry VIII, because he married everyone he could ...
as to the rhyme, it really ought to be updated! Whilst his last wife may have survived him, she can't possibly still be described as 'surviving'.
Maybe: Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Died Later?
I'm probably the only person in the world that it bothers though, so maybe not!

The exact cause of Sweating Sickness is still unknown. It is thought to have been recurrent outbreaks of either hantovirus or anthrax.

m to the c
technically he only married 3 women. one was declared void because they never consummated thier relationship. another was declared void by the Catholic pope. another qas his brothers other half and she was still married

Walid Underwood
GiGi2010, I seen that on my bus whenever I go past 8th Street.
I'mHenry the eighth I am I got married to the world next door she's been married seven times before and everyone was a Henry

Player #32549118
OvalRobot2529, He’s definitely not my favourite person, no honour or code, but insane cruelty. An example of his cruelty: he blamed a cook for lots of people getting food poisoning and dying at a meal, the target of the poisoning was actually an enemy of Henry 8ths who survived. He ordered the cook to be boiled alive in front of him, by plunging up and down in a caldron of sorts and it took a long time for the cook to die (think it was 20min). When he finely died Henry laughed and said ‘I cooked the cook!’

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Hen-er-y the 8th I am, I am, Hen-er-y the 8th I am!!

SeventhAverage4, he was a barbarian. Did whatever he liked just coz he was king!

Guillermo Jr.
The Tudors is an awesome Netflix series.. Natalie Dormer is amazing in every respect

You talk a young marriage! Geeeezzz louis...😬

Ryan giggs in the previous life

weget.it. you're.smart
seemed likeliest answer seeming he had atleast 5 wives lol

I watched the series of these