What disease caused the Black Death in the 14th Century?

Correct answer: Plague

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
plague is just another name for virulent disease. The question is basically asking "What kind of disease killed all those people?" and providing "disease" as the answer. Bad Question.
whatchu talkin bout
whatchu talkin bout
plague is a very vague term. the answer is bubonic plague.
the humans killed themselves when they murdered the cats that once ate the rats that carried the fleas that carried the disease...
BabiKat, The killing of the cats was by decree of the Pope, I believe it was Pope Gregory, due to concerns about witchcraft. The lack of cats,to control the rats occurred as a result.
The Black Death was the name given to Bubonic Plague at the time. The plague didn’t cause it, it WAS it !
Poor question. That's like asking what was the first automobile and the answer is "car".
GloatingTreant705, I've always heard it was. particular disease called Bubonic Plague
Player Elf Council
Player Elf Council
SQinfoNUTS, Ring a ring of roses, a pocketful of posies. Atishoo, atishoo, we all fall down. Tells you what the symptoms were. A rash and sneezing.
Player #12220447
Player #12220447
Player Elf Council, I always thought it was’ ashes, ashes, we all fall down. Ashes referring to funeral pyres. Pocket full of posey was a reference to flowers used to perfume the overwhelming-stench of decomposition.
johnnyzoom7, i don't think thats a good idea, if we reset then we go back to a more savage and unacepting time, imagine the thousands of years of free thinking people creating and elevating humanity and you wish to just eradicate that. if the plague you wish for came it probably wouldn't wipe away the 'evil' just the hard working people and the impovrished. not the wealthy, or many other evil entities that lurk in the shadows. such a closed minded thought process.
ok plague is the spelling of the word, yes
Introvert505, A lot of the original versions of fairy tales were pretty dark. They aimed to prepare them for the real world of the time.
Player #12220447, As a child we sang "Asha, Asha" but meant it as a sneezing sound..
The song “ring around the rosy, a pocket full of posy, ashes, ashes we all fall down”, is from that time period when ppl were turning black and dying in the streets. Kind of a morbid song to have children sing, dontcha think?!?!
Player #145106978
Player #145106978
Player BARTEMAEUS 10, It was a version of Ebola,probably brought to Britain by a sailor whom had visited Africa.
Player #145106978
Player #145106978
Nate Sanders, WRONG.The answer is Ebola.DUMBARSE!
Player #145106978
Player #145106978
Vaneric, Ebola was the Black Death.
Player #145106978
Player #145106978
MeMeMeMeee, WRONG.The correct answer is a version of Ebola,probably brought to Britain by a sailor whom had visited Africa.
Player #145106978
Player #145106978
Player #11972146, WRONG.It was Ebola,probably brought to Britain by a sailor whom had visited Africa.
Player #145106978
Player #145106978
AnonymousDog10027, It was a version of Ebola,not Bubonic Plague.
Player #145106978
Player #145106978
Gio, The Black Death was a version of Ebola,probably brought to Britain by a sailor whom had visited Africa.
Player #145106978
Player #145106978
whatchu talkin bout, You're very wrong.The Black Death was a version of Ebola,probably brought to Britain by a sailor whom had visited Africa.
Gio , lol 😂
Player #12220447, That's what we said too.
BabiKat, exactly well said my friend
Snowie queen 👑☺️
Snowie queen 👑☺️
BabiKat, 😂😅
As I was reading this I was thinking of the mosquitoes and the dengue fever that we’re all getting on the East Coast presently gold
BabiKat, and the beat goes on....
Fariha Amir Hussain
Fariha Amir Hussain
Bubonic plague in Europe killed people between 1347 and 1351.
my understanding is that the government was aware of this, just like they gave all those blankets to the Indians, and knew that it would kill them.that was their purpose , to kill ,so the could get their land, to depopulate ,and take control. they knew when the pan demic was going to happen they blamed it on China, researchers already knew. government didn't want it to leak out so fast , to draw a panic quickly, watch more T.V. ,LIKE MOVIES. IT TELLS YOU IN THE MOVIES BEFOR IT HAPPENS, we as a government need to step up and to protect the public / people. in our health care system .they tried to make it hard for us to have insurance 😪 it's so sad.
Bad question. PLAGUE was the disease?!? There are many forms of plague. The pneumonic plague? Septicemic plague? Plague of locusts? And…. the correct answer BUBONIC plague.
Plague is not a name of a disease, this question needs to be reworded
Player #134406949
Player #134406949
I'm excited to this year and I can do e game like this
Player #12220447, That's what I was taught too.
Player Elf Council, since most couldn't read at the time, alot of lessons were taught by what we dismiss as nursery rhymes. Mary had a Little Lamb is an example of teaching the birth of Christ at a time when Catholics were persecuted.
Ojaswi tyagi
Ojaswi tyagi
Miss Ma’am, Totally Agree
Ojaswi tyagi
Ojaswi tyagi
ohffs, you are wrong
Player #32567393, Follow any myth you choose, all organized religion creates fanatical nuts.
Player #12220447, it's a wives' tale that this old rhyme refers to the plague. Look it up-- that connection is false.
Sloth Baby
Sloth Baby
I spelt it wrong LoL