What was the most popular name for a female infant born in the U.S. during 1916 through 2015?
Correct answer: Mary

I know quite a few women named Mary but I wasn't aware of the meanings of the name. It did give me a chuckle that they like to hear their name! LOL 😁

well, I was named Maria, for Mary Magdalene, but now use Mari. When I was 7, I wanted the American Mary instead of the Russian Maria, which English - speakers tend to mispronounce. I like the description of Marys in the piece above. Yep

Player #22589120
Went to a Catholic college. I knew a half dozen women named Mary. They used there first name and middle name together to distinguish themselves.

RebelQueen1958, My name is Mary Ellen and I was named after my grandmother as well. I do like my name!

my mother was Mary and so is my daughter.

My name is Mary Ellen, I am named after my great greT grandmother who died with her husband and 5 of her kids in 1843. And there were usually 4 Mary's in my classrooms in catholic school. So I didn't really like my name all that much.

Player #1726311
my name is Mary Angela... sounds Italian Catholic, I'm not... & I dont seem to match the description either...

I never knew one person named Mary all through school from kindergarten through high school

Do women called Mary really believe that they are as described above? Sounds like a bunch of baloney!

I named my toad Mary

Mary is my móms name

Player #139680226
I can see that the name “Karen” has taken over as number one, if you know what mean. 😉

Wow the meaning of "Mary" 🤣🤣 my name is maricar my sister maritez, and my other is Marietta 🤣🤣🤣

MeemawSauce5457, that was my name for 41 years. I hated it so much I changed it. I got tired of being teased. Now I am changing it back because I can say my lambs name is Jesus.

Bryndal, in the 40s they couldn't have had 100 yrs of data, so consider the time period over which the question is based.

Tina, This does seem to be a good game to help learn and is helpful because you can never know too much.

Learn something new at least once a day maybe more! lots of info this game gives...guess that's WHY I play.

the year is incorrect. Mary went to #2 in the late 40s,

Player #58092313
but it was Mary, Mary, plain as any name can be. But in society, proprietary would say Marie.

Player #31919372
I thought Fury!

Guillermo, I like Bertha

Player #13023389
I've known 5 Mary's and they do use their middle name to identify themselves. Debby

Player Gigi #28446253
PointyDormouse60089, I love that song, and kniw all the words!

I am partial to "Hortense"

SkilledVirus11, You obviously need a psychiatrist and an exorcist.

Player taltosbru
Player meagirl, my dearest friend is a Mary Ellen and I (among others) have always called her "Emmy."

PointyDormouse60089, First it was Miryam.

PearlSkipper24695, interesting--my name is Mayre. Many people mispronounce my name as Mary, which I find annoying.

I read that Mary/Miriam means bitter, because of the trauma Mary went through seeing her Son crucified.

my moms name is Mary ...ppl call her "Mayree " but they call the virgin Mary ...Mary . why ???? it is spelled the same way .

Player #3767224
Genius, l

Player #6116456, blunt

Birdiemom, I have always told people that every girl child born between 1948 and 1954 was named Kinda. From you r statement I will have to back it down a few years.

Player #3410717, My granddaughter's middle name is Storm, but I call her Stormy.

I I was thinking it might be because of Mary Pickford, the movie star.