What is the phrase "fell off the back of a truck" used to describe?

Correct answer: Goods/merchandise obtained by illegal means

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What people think about it: 21 Comments
In Dutch we also 'van de vrachtwagen gevallen' (fallen of the truck) when we mean it's stolen.
I thought that referred to one who fell off the turnip truck
Player #18663768
Player #18663768
funny! we have the same expression in french
Tina's twin
Tina's twin
Player #32567393, i believe 5 finger discount refers to shoplifting(no cash involved). whereas falling off back of truck means money is spent on illegal obtained items
Player Elf Council
Player Elf Council
EarliestSpur6, When I lived in the east end of London in the sixties we bought a lot of stuff off the back of trucks. Good old days.
For those of us that would NEVER DEAL with such things as 'ill gotten goods' - *ahem* 😎 😁 I always thought of that expression being a subtle (?) response to " Where did you get. THAT ?? " meaning "Gee, I Don't Know! ! (DON'T ASK- [wink wink, nudge nudge]
whoopinU2, Meaning Not very knowledgeable.
Player #18663768, That's right " tombé du camion"
Daddy G
Daddy G
when picking a prize, try top left. 90% works for me 😉
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
In the area of Northamptonshire where we live , the Motorway runs very close by . In the family we refer to these items as coming from Watford Electronics (after Watford Gap services ). , or Crick Discount after a junction where parked lorries have been targeted by thieves in the past.
Player #32567393
Player #32567393
Player #9398981, Cozzy 25, Yes it is used in Australia. I’m an Aussie & I’ve never heard of 5 finger discount!
Player #5100533
Player #5100533
Player #9398981, That's something different all together.
Player #5100533
Player #5100533
IrrelevantCanary8537, "falling off the wagon," means, You were sober, but, you lost self control, & got DRUNK again.
Player #5100533
Player #5100533
AceEnemy23746, No it doesn't. I think you lack common sense.
CubicAftermath, or back of the 🦄!
My friend's brother drove a truck for a living and we got this big shipping box of peppridge farm cookies that " fell off the back of the truck" It is possible to get tired of eating cookies!
whoopinU2, yes someone who is naive.
Aotearoa MWYN
Aotearoa MWYN
All Good bac o da truck NZ or Xmas specials lol
Player #3486047
Player #3486047
Prometheus, that is called falling off the turnip truck
This does mean other things too.
ace enemy is correct. someone not possessing or not having full use of their mental capacity .