What is the longest bridge in the world?
Correct answer: Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge in China

8.5 Million? Surely not, that must be billion.

Any gas stations or restaurants on this bridge?

Player #2707764
InsatiableGoal55358, never mind, how about a toilet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

( Snail Darter)
DAdio, Do you think that they meant billion?? The cost of the materials alone would far exceed 8.5 million.....

Player Dan the man
8.5 million to build? Value for money no doubt about it!

Player #3833664
Repeat questions really helps my scoring percentage!

unbelievable! $8.5 million? My country is planning to build a two(2) mile bridge from the mainland to the airport and it has been estimated to cost $2.0 BILLION.

It's possible to cost only that much, it's made in China right? Lol😀

OzzysUndies, you sir, are correct! 8.5 billion!

Player #52878863
just checked it on google,it was 8.5 billion

Miss Sue
Hanoj, My thoughts exactly !

4 years to build?

InsatiableGoal55358, It's a railway bridge. If used for passenger transit, facilities would be on the trains. This includes bathrooms, Player #2707764.

Longest bridge over water is the Causeway Bridge over Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana. 24 miles.

OzzysUndies, China probably employed (forced) prisoners to build it

OzzysUndies, If it was built in Ireland it would be billions and would take 40 years. 😁

Republic of China
Did anyone notice the picture showed the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, United States???

wizal love to go there

Danny G
8.5 million? Well I guess the labor is really cheap I'm China!

InsatiableGoal55358, it’s a train line. They don’t usually stop for gas or food. 😜

Player #52565397
OzzysUndies, exactly! For 8.5 million you can build palatial house

Paul Steadman
( Snail Darter), Yes it must be 8.5 billion.

Paul Steadman
OzzysUndies, I thought this too. 8.5 million is tiny for a huge bridge like this.

Mujahid Mohideen R
Player #2707764, It would be in the train itself.

Mujahid Mohideen R
InsatiableGoal55358, Not necessary.It is a railroad bridge.

Mujahid Mohideen R
I love such informations.I just imagined it how long it and the viaduct would be.Great.

nearly 3 years to remodel a road roundabout near me in Northamptonshire. and they built that in 4 respect.

Sully Girl
must have been slave labour, or maybe a misprint

Player #25874027
It is a railway bridge .

Player #3138816
OzzysUndies, we need them to build HS2 !

They manage to get things done in China without the years of feasibility studies, endless toing and froing with the planning department and demonstrations by the NIMBYs. I know that the whole regime is different there, but sometimes I do think we could learn a lot from their 'need it, build it', attitude.

Player #21232728
OzzysUndies, exactly what I thought

wow that is some bridge 😳

minge eater, Scotland still uses miles

( Snail Darter)
Ari Kanarie, But the materials to build the bridge is very expensive......