Before Jimmy Carter was elected U.S. president, which state did he govern?
Correct answer: Georgia

Why was Obama mentioned in this response about Jimmy Carter?

Why the Heck is Obama mentioned? Makes no sense!

nancyinfernley, He still is an amazing humanitarian

he is one great man and I admire him greatly!!!

Shelby Carpenter
The only graduate of the Naval Academy at Annapolis to become President of the United States. He is still present at local church services to this day and has a line of people waiting for selfies with him. His wife Rosalyn still alive at 92, Mr. Carter will be 95 on October 1st.

If I never hear the word Obama again life would be great..

why do people leave comments about others posts? they'll never be back to see what you've written.

Shelby Carpenter, Look at what he does now helping Habitat for America building homes for the poor a very good person.

Player #1961991
A great man and a great humanitarian.

Player #3813778
Carter is the only president who took the oath with his nickname "Jimmy", rather than his full name, "James Earl Carter".

Player #107451533
SparkyChaz2018, Reagon??

Speedy, I can think of worse names

EnchantedNaga45588, Because these men served in different offices before taking on the job as president of the United States, unlike the President we have now

President Carter was one of the best presidents America will ever have. Rest in peace

Every American knows Jimmy Carter, Peanut farmer, Georgia

Speedy, awww you can always wear earplugs or just cut them off

Player #137542988
EnchantedNaga45588, I was wondering that myself!

Unfortunately too many great people are not recognized for their talents until after their death. Jimmy Carter was lucky to be recognized in the twilight of his years because he continued all of his great causes until the end. I believe he recently passed away. RIP.

..4144.., they want to be politically correct

Shelby Carpenter, so cool, I didn't realize I had the same birthday as Jimmy!! I knew about Sting, but this is way cool!!

President Carter is now 99 years old. The oldest living Former President.

Lee, no that would be that orange fool then George dubya

Shelby Carpenter, perhaps you you should ask to update the information, I agree that information about his naval career and Rosalyn Carter should be included

Jeff The Jet Lear
To 4144, Enchanted and Speedy... OBAMA!

hvnfun, your country didn't think so, they hired him twice

EnchantedNaga45588, Probably because before Obama, Jimmy Carter was considered the worst president in modern history.

the captain, NOT TRUE!!

EnchantedNaga45588, Great question, why?

Player #70614116
SparkyChaz2018, 52 American Hostages,held in Iran for 444 days, may have a very different opinion.

Player #58092313
EnchantedNaga45588Obama didn't earn the right to be in the same sentence as Jimmy Carter.

Guillermo Jr.
His greatest contribution to America.. indirectly.. was Billy Beer!

nancyinfernley, I do too.

..4144.., probably because he was almost as bad as Jimmy

Player #26129643
It seems entirely forgotten that long before peanut farming, Carter was an engineer on the first US nuclear submarine. Admiral Hyman Rickover, the progenitor of America's nuclear navy. The Admiral thought Carter was brilliant.

..4144.., I believe because he was the most recent President to be a representative of a state before coming into office. Just a guess.

He's an amazing humanitarian, wonderful ambassador and all around good man. He has more positive and lovely qualities than any other Presidents.

Player #big Doug
Speedy, agreed

No mention of his Naval career?

Carter was just too nice and honest to make a successful President. Reagon sure walked all over him, just before Reagon took over. However, Carter has proven great skills as a type of ambassador and has had numerous successes.

EnchantedNaga45588, Haha, me too 😲