Since its inception in 1861, how many Medal of Honor recipients have been women?

Correct answer: One

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What people think about it: 24 Comments
Let's Go Brandon!
Let's Go Brandon!
women rock! we can't exist without you.
Player #12898109
Player #12898109
it is shameful that more women have not received the award I think there are more who deserve to be recognized.
Player #6482125
Player #6482125
She was not allowed to become chief Army surgeon because she was a woman. Another woman who should have bee awarded the Medal of Honor is Virginia Hall for her exploits in WW II. Read about her.. her story is way beyond fiction.. but is not fiction.
GI Joe
GI Joe
ElJavron619, we can't exist without each other.
Mary Ann
Mary Ann
ElJavron619, Thank you for acknowledging this.. Lol
Player woody2327
Player woody2327
I believe she's the only woman buried at West Point.
Player #34572241
Player #34572241
GI Joe, I agree. In many ways, men and woman can be and are equal, but undeniably, there are areas that men excel in and others that women are better suited. Then there are individuals that are just outstanding at what they do and gender has nothing to do with it. Credit needs to be given when it is due no matter what.
Player #2618149
Player #2618149
ElJavron619, Smart Man!!
Trailblazers are cool 😎
Player #13148472, life, uh, finds a way.
Player #35387966, WHY? Relatively few women have been in circumstances where they would have the opportunity to take actions which would meet the criteria for being awarded the Medal. In fact, most men in the military services don't have a chance of being awarded the Medal, either. By the way, the correct name is the Medal Of Honor, which is presented by the President in the name of congress.
Player #130998363
Player #130998363
Ashlee Babbit deserves the medal. She was the only one murdered on January 6th.
This gave me more hope on going into the world alone and a woman.
Harriet Tubman should have this award
Trish, don't forget Satan has a lot to do with that too.
Player woody2327, I was a tour guide at West Point. Many women are buried there, including the famed Molly Pitcher. Only two women civilians are buried there, though: Susan and Anna Warner, sisters who taught the cadets Sunday school on Constitution Island, across from West Point. Anna Warner is also the author of the well-known hymn “Jesus Loves Me”.
So we can add!
Savannah Grace
Savannah Grace
this is one of my favorites so far!
That’s because men are in charge. Look at the mess in our society!!
Player #35387966
Player #35387966
There should be more than one woman to be awarded the Congreganal Medal of Honor.
As of Oct 2021-I thought another woman received this honor recently.
Player #34572241
Player #34572241
Jew for Yeshua, true, but without men... no conception. We need each other. And please don't say no. Yes we do. Even if you don't have sex to get pregnant, you still need a man to make that donation at the clinic. 😊
ElJavron619, Well, YOU rock for making that statement! Thank you!
GI Joe, who would want to !