What does Humpty Dumpty Symbolize?
Correct answer: All Three

That answer cannot be verified at all. The only answer that can be verified is that it was satire. Which meant it was a poke at royalty only. The others are very ambiguous indeed.

3 theories on what it could possibly mean. Not facts.

Coming from Colchester which is Britain’s oldest recorded town as far as I’m aware, Humpty Dumpty was a large cannon that fell off the wall and shattered. Hence the ‘all the kings horses and all the Kings men, couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty was pushed.

Lori Radford
I did not know this learn something every day

dini cee
who writes these questions? wikipedia should not be the only source.

rubbish..... he was and is and will always be an egg or scrambled egg........

These are just theories.

The only one of those answers which it is definitely NOT is "all three".

Player #3267477
Those two are too ambiguous.. while R the III did fall of his horse that was named "Wall" and his knights could not get him re-seated.. the other two just seem to be reaching

I really just thought Humpty Dumpty was just a egg.

All Three cannot be an answer if the three are totally different interpretations. Pick a common denominator or ask a different question... 🙄

humpy dumpy sat on the wall humpy dumpy had a great fall

dini cee, They actually solicit from. players. I don't know beyond that. I got an email asking if I was interested in submitting questions when I was having a rathersuccessful run.

dini cee, the opportunity to author questions for this game has been given to some players... personally, I refuse to use Wiki as a reference for any questions.

Lady of the Lake
Just an fyi...
only posting a comment (on any question) will not get them taken down or corrected. The only way to accomplish that is for enough people to use the red 'report' button & report the problem(s)/error(s) to the creators.

Lady of the Lake
Player #34471850, totally agree & my nephew wasn't allowed to use Wikipedia as a source at his community college either.

Republic of Taiwan
Guys, please search things on Google, just do not go answer the question then comment it within 0.00000000001 seconds

Republic of Taiwan
Dark Side of Humpty Dumpty 2 :
"King Richard III's horse was supposedly called 'Wall', off of which he fell during battle," she writes.
"He was bludgeoned so severely his men could not save him, becoming the last king to die in battle."
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, in the 17th century, the term "humpty dumpty" referred to a drink of brandy boiled with ale. The riddle probably exploited, for misdirection, the fact that "humpty dumpty" was also eighteenth-century reduplicative slang for a short and clumsy person.

Republic of Taiwan
The Dark Side of Humpty Dumpty
This is probably the easiest poem to interpret. “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall/ Humpty Dumpty had a great fall/ All the king’s horses and all the king’s men/ Couldn’t put Humpty back together again.” Humpty was an egg who fell off of a wall and cracked. Even all of the people of the kingdom working together could not fix this broken egg. And, although the character probably died, we still sing jauntily about it. For some reason, our young minds do not visualize the demise of the fragile egg, with the yolk spilling out of its fractured shell. It’s like a toddler horror movie!
Some Lyrics : Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again
Now, look at the lyrics? Suspicious right?

Republic of Taiwan
Search Google and you will see similar explanation as to this question's explanation. I checked it

sig68, that sounds like it makes the most sense

another "all of the above" question. And there's no confirmed evidence on what the meaning of the rhyme was

Old49erRob, yaa

C o s m i c v a g e
He's face kinda scare me

R+T#1/2 o+b#45/46
Sits on a wall outside the US Naval Base, Naples, Italy

Player #52076701
I'm sure all the king's men can do something about humpty ; just make a giant omlette!

After a mediocre summer, Humpty Dumpty has a great fall.

Bushra 🖤
Humpty Dumpty is my fav💋

Aayush Mittal
Whenever I see all are correct I select that without knowing anything

I didn't know it meant a

As if these are all true!

b. meemrot
Humpty dumputye set on the wall...poem.... very nice👍😂

Player #34471850
dini cee, I personally don't think Wikipedia should be a source at all. At the university I went to here in Australia students are not permitted to reference Wikipedia.

well I do not know this facts and I do not even know if the following are facts

Any question with option as "All the three" just hit it. That's the answer 😂

dini cee, I agree... I remember that my professor told me

A lot of those early rhymes as well as Christmas carols had hidden meaning.

Miss Enigma
Wow! a nursery rhyme with so much details!

Wait i thought it was an egg right?