In Japanese culture, the phrase "Itadakimasu" is said before what?
Correct answer: Eating

I believe it's a good idea & practice to give thanks or a blessing before a meal. When

NobleYak13000, I's quite beautiful.

Player Ejag
The different comments here illustrate that there are many likenesses between our seemingly different cultures.👍

Player #3549353, Orthodox and members of other Jewish movements as well, it's called Birkat (a varient of "blessings", usually translated as [to say] "grace") and HaMazon ("after meal/eating"). It's often chanted or sung by a family or by a group/congregation after eating. When chanted in full, it can take quite a few minutes, but it's a wonderful way to connect and enjoy each other's company.

Player #272443, What do you mean by that? The Japanese are as spiritual as any other country of people.

GOCHISOUSAMA is said after eating meals,means like ty im full/content

Sully Girl
I love reading the comments, especially about cultural practices and beliefs

ChampionNymph37634, yes “Thank You” is good every time and especially another word is “Please”. It is a sad time we are living in and I hate myself for sounding pessimistic (I am normally optimistic) but we have seen our better days. What the world needs now is Love Sweet Love. Peace Love and Joy. Humor me I am an only child and I am going through hard times, please don’t criticize me, say a prayer my loved ones and I.

Player #3549353
Orthodox Jews pray after meals.

I was thinking it was a prayer before bedtime. Whoops!

Player #143161285
PensivePhoenix21, Well since God created all of nature, animals and people, He is still the o e to thsnk.

let's eat.

Rocking Rosi
Such a long word. Food will get cold meanwhile...

PensivePhoenix21, just hold on a minute. I believe in God. There's nothing wrong with being a Christian. I'm not a Bible banger.

much better than thanking "God" for the meal you're about to receive! you're respecting the nature, the animals and the people who provided the meal instead - much nicer sentiment!

Mars V
Kristian, Most of us have evolved into higher primates.

Smart Kitten
So nice and respectful, makes one fell better to deal with karma

I love everything Japanese ❤️

⁹I'm Jewish and before a meal usually dinner we say a prayer. at passover the oak of hagadah is read. my mom told me it could take a while to reD .usually the heD of the family does this. the youngest child asks a question. why is this night different than other nights.

Guillermo Jr.
Centenarian, Gesundheit!

Be thankful that's the most important thing to do

Mohammed Ali
In Islam our prophet Mohamed tolled us to say ....thanks for Allah our god who gave us these gifts (without any power from me)before meal and thank alot after

Holly Rose, Pray with out ceasing; that is written in the Bible.

Player #42051515
my great grandsons anime watching helped

Arnav Dahal
watching anime helped me get this answer correct.

Scottish Andy
Slainte Mhath

the image didn't help at all this time

when you enter a japanese restaurant, the waiters and staff say: "Ishirisaimasen." I don't know what that means, but I just nod at them and smile. I surmise it would mean "welcome and enjoy the meal that you are about to have."

Holly Rose
I like the idea of giving thanks after a meal, as well.

Player #2512936
Davy, Livingston, In Germany one can say Guten Appetit, Good appetite or Zum Wohl, to Your Wellness, or las es schmecken, enjoy it.

Player #2512936
Davy, Livingston, Gesundheit means health.

Thanks to Anime I know this one.

Followed at the end by Gochisosama!

Player #2655037, and you think the U.S. are the only ones who do these things?

LittleDucky52, I think self counsel meant WWII, or WW 2